Qiuting Zhang
Qiuting Zhang
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adaptive thermochromic windows from active plasmonic elastomers
Y Ke, Y Yin, Q Zhang, Y Tan, P Hu, S Wang, Y Tang, Y Zhou, X Wen, ...
Joule 3 (3), 858-871, 2019
Switchable adhesion actuator for amphibious climbing soft robot
Y Tang, Q Zhang, G Lin, J Yin
Soft robotics 5 (5), 592-600, 2018
Origami and kirigami inspired self-folding for programming three-dimensional shape shifting of polymer sheets with light
Q Zhang, J Wommer, C O’Rourke, J Teitelman, Y Tang, J Robison, G Lin, ...
Extreme Mechanics Letters 11, 111-120, 2017
Cephalopod-inspired versatile design based on plasmonic VO2 nanoparticle for energy-efficient mechano-thermochromic windows
Y Ke, Q Zhang, T Wang, S Wang, N Li, G Lin, X Liu, Z Dai, J Yan, J Yin, ...
Nano Energy 73, 104785, 2020
Self-similar hierarchical wrinkles as a potential multifunctional smart window with simultaneously tunable transparency, structural color, and droplet transport
G Lin, P Chandrasekaran, C Lv, Q Zhang, Y Tang, L Han, J Yin
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (31), 26510-26517, 2017
Morphogenesis and cell ordering in confined bacterial biofilms
Q Zhang, J Li, J Nijjer, H Lu, M Kothari, R Alert, T Cohen, J Yan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (31), e2107107118, 2021
3D transformable modular kirigami based programmable metamaterials
Y Li, Q Zhang, Y Hong, J Yin
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (43), 2105641, 2021
Spontaneous buckling-driven periodic delamination of thin films on soft substrates under large compression
Q Zhang, J Yin
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 118, 40-57, 2018
Mechanical forces drive a reorientation cascade leading to biofilm self-patterning
J Nijjer, C Li, Q Zhang, H Lu, S Zhang, J Yan
Nature communications 12 (1), 6632, 2021
Small degree of anisotropic wetting on self-similar hierarchical wrinkled surfaces
G Lin, Q Zhang, C Lv, Y Tang, J Yin
Soft Matter 14 (9), 1517-1529, 2018
Spontaneous periodic delamination of thin films to form crack-free metal and silicon ribbons with high stretchability
Q Zhang, Y Tang, M Hajfathalian, C Chen, KT Turner, DA Dikin, G Lin, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (51), 44938-44947, 2017
Microstructural design for mechanical–optical multifunctionality in the exoskeleton of the flower beetle Torynorrhina flammea
Z Jia, MC Fernandes, Z Deng, T Yang, Q Zhang, A Lethbridge, J Yin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (25), e2101017118, 2021
Efficient room-temperature solid-state lithium ion conductors enabled by mixed-graft block copolymer architectures
X Ji, M Cao, X Fu, R Liang, AN Le, Q Zhang, M Zhong
Giant 3, 100027, 2020
Mechanical properties of stingray tesserae: high-resolution correlative analysis of mineral density and indentation moduli in tessellated cartilage
R Seidel, A Roschger, L Li, JJ Bizzarro, Q Zhang, J Yin, T Yang, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 96, 421-435, 2019
Mechanical resilience of biofilms toward environmental perturbations mediated by extracellular matrix
Q Zhang, D Nguyen, JSB Tai, XJ Xu, J Nijjer, X Huang, Y Li, J Yan
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (23), 2110699, 2022
Highly efficient fog harvesting on superhydrophobic microfibers through droplet oscillation and sweeping
Q Zhang, G Lin, J Yin
Soft Matter 14 (41), 8276-8283, 2018
Nonlinear inclusion theory with application to the growth and morphogenesis of a confined body
J Li, M Kothari, S Chockalingam, T Henzel, Q Zhang, X Li, J Yan, T Cohen
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 159, 104709, 2022
Tunable mesoscopic collagen island architectures modulate stem cell behavior
RY Nguyen, AT Cabral, A Rossello‐Martinez, A Zulli, X Gong, Q Zhang, ...
Advanced materials 35 (16), 2207882, 2023
Biofilms as self-shaping growing nematics
J Nijjer, C Li, M Kothari, T Henzel, Q Zhang, JSB Tai, S Zhou, T Cohen, ...
Nature physics 19 (12), 1936-1944, 2023
Mechanically Programmable Composite Metamaterials with Switchable Positive/Negative Poisson's Ratio
L Du, W Shi, H Gao, H Jia, Q Zhang*, M Liu*, Y Xu*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2314123, 2024
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