Yuanyuan Zhang
Yuanyuan Zhang
Peking University, BIOPIC & School of Life Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The history and advances in cancer immunotherapy: understanding the characteristics of tumor-infiltrating immune cells and their therapeutic implications
Y Zhang, Z Zhang
Cellular & Molecular Immunology 17 (17), 807–821, 2020
Landscape of infiltrating T cells in liver cancer revealed by single-cell sequencing
C Zheng, L Zheng, JK Yoo, H Guo, Y Zhang, X Guo, B Kang, R Hu, ...
Cell 169 (7), 1342-1356. e16, 2017
Global characterization of T cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing
X Guo, Y Zhang, L Zheng, C Zheng, J Song, Q Zhang, B Kang, Z Liu, L Jin, ...
Nature medicine 24 (7), 978-985, 2018
Lineage tracking reveals dynamic relationships of T cells in colorectal cancer
L Zhang, X Yu, L Zheng, Y Zhang, Y Li, Q Fang, R Gao, B Kang, Q Zhang, ...
Nature 564 (7735), 268-272, 2018
Single-cell analyses reveal key immune cell subsets associated with response to PD-L1 blockade in triple-negative breast cancer
Y Zhang, H Chen, H Mo, X Hu, R Gao, Y Zhao, B Liu, L Niu, X Sun, X Yu, ...
Cancer cell 39 (12), 1578-1593. e8, 2021
Temporal single-cell tracing reveals clonal revival and expansion of precursor exhausted T cells during anti-PD-1 therapy in lung cancer
B Liu, X Hu, K Feng, R Gao, Z Xue, S Zhang, Y Zhang, E Corse, Y Hu, ...
Nature cancer 3 (1), 108-121, 2022
Insights gained from single-cell analysis of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment
X Ren, L Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Li, N Siemers, Z Zhang
Annual review of immunology 39 (1), 583-609, 2021
Single-cell meta-analyses reveal responses of tumor-reactive CXCL13+ T cells to immune-checkpoint blockade
B Liu, Y Zhang, D Wang, X Hu, Z Zhang
Nature Cancer 3 (9), 1123-1136, 2022
Autophagy‐related prognostic signature for breast cancer
Y Gu, P Li, F Peng, M Zhang, Y Zhang, H Liang, W Zhao, L Qi, H Wang, ...
Molecular carcinogenesis 55 (3), 292-299, 2016
Differential expression analysis at the individual level reveals a lncRNA prognostic signature for lung adenocarcinoma
F Peng, R Wang, Y Zhang, Z Zhao, W Zhou, Z Chang, H Liang, W Zhao, ...
Molecular cancer 16, 1-12, 2017
Systematic comparative analysis of single-nucleotide variant detection methods from single-cell RNA sequencing data
F Liu, Y Zhang, L Zhang, Z Li, Q Fang, R Gao, Z Zhang
Genome Biology 20 (242), 242, 2019
Deep single-cell RNA sequencing data of individual T cells from treatment-naïve colorectal cancer patients
Y Zhang, L Zheng, L Zhang, X Hu, X Ren, Z Zhang
Scientific Data 6 (131), 2019
Long-range phasing of dynamic, tissue-specific and allele-specific regulatory elements
S Battaglia, K Dong, J Wu, Z Chen, F Najm, Y Zhang, M Moore, V Hecht, ...
Nature Genetics 54, 1504–1513, 2022
The BRCA1/2-directed miRNA signature predicts a good prognosis in ovarian cancer patients with wild-type BRCA1/2
Y Gu, M Zhang, F Peng, L Fang, Y Zhang, H Liang, W Zhou, L Ao, Z Guo
Oncotarget 6 (4), 2397, 2014
Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs in individual breast cancer patient and application in personalized medicine
F Peng, Y Zhang, R Wang, W Zhou, Z Zhao, H Liang, L Qi, W Zhao, ...
Oncogenesis 5 (2), e194-e194, 2016
In vivo miRNA knockout screening identifies miR-190b as a novel tumor suppressor
H Hong, S Yao, Y Zhang, Y Ye, C Li, L Hu, Y Sun, H Huang, H Ji
PLOS GENETICS 16 (11), e1009168, 2020
Cross-tissue human fibroblast atlas reveals myofibroblast subtypes with distinct roles in immune modulation
Y Gao, J Li, W Cheng, T Diao, H Liu, Y Bo, C Liu, W Zhou, M Chen, ...
Cancer Cell 42 (10), 1764-1783. e10, 2024
A landscape of synthetic viable interactions in cancer
Y Gu, R Wang, Y Han, W Zhou, Z Zhao, T Chen, Y Zhang, F Peng, ...
Briefings in Bioinformatics 19 (4), 644-655, 2018
Distinct cellular mechanisms underlie chemotherapies and PD-L1 blockade combinations in triple-negative breast cancer
Y Zhang, H Chen, H Mo, N Zhao, X Sun, B Liu, R Gao, B Xu, Z Zhang, ...
Cancer Cell, 2025
Global characterization of T cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing (vol 24, pg 978, 2018)
X Guo, Y Zhang, L Zheng, C Zheng, J Song, Q Zhang, B Kang, Z Liu, L Jin, ...
NATURE MEDICINE 24 (10), 1628-1628, 2018
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