Maciej Misiorny
Maciej Misiorny
Last academic affiliation: Chalmers University of Technology / Currently: Private sector: QRTECH AB
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Magnetic switching of a single molecular magnet due to spin-polarized current
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (13), 134425, 2007
Spin polarized transport through a single-molecule magnet: Current-induced magnetic switching
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (5), 054448, 2007
Spintronic magnetic anisotropy
M Misiorny, M Hell, MR Wegewijs
Nature Physics 9 (12), 801-805, 2013
Spin effects in transport through single-molecule magnets in the sequential and cotunneling regimes
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (22), 224420, 2009
Interplay of the Kondo Effect and Spin-Polarized Transport in Magnetic Molecules,<? format?> Adatoms, and Quantum Dots
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Physical review letters 106 (12), 126602, 2011
Spin diode behavior in transport through single-molecule magnets
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Europhysics Letters 89 (1), 18003, 2010
Power, efficiency and fluctuations in a quantum point contact as steady-state thermoelectric heat engine
S Kheradsoud, N Dashti, M Misiorny, PP Potts, J Splettstoesser, ...
Entropy 21 (8), 777, 2019
Effects of intrinsic spin-relaxation in molecular magnets on current-induced magnetic switching
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (17), 172414, 2008
Shaping charge excitations in chiral edge states with a time-dependent gate voltage
M Misiorny, G Fève, J Splettstoesser
Physical Review B 97 (7), 075426, 2018
Switching of molecular magnets
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
physica status solidi (b) 246 (4), 695-715, 2009
Transport mirages in single-molecule devices
R Gaudenzi, M Misiorny, E Burzurí, MR Wegewijs, HSJ van der Zant
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (9), 2017
Probing transverse magnetic anisotropy by electronic transport through a single-molecule magnet
M Misiorny, E Burzurí, R Gaudenzi, K Park, M Leijnse, MR Wegewijs, ...
Physical Review B 91 (3), 035442, 2015
Influence of magnetic anisotropy on the Kondo effect and spin-polarized transport through magnetic molecules, adatoms, and quantum dots
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (3), 035445, 2011
Underscreened Kondo effect in magnetic quantum dots: Exchange, anisotropy, and temperature effects
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 245415, 2012
Effects of transverse magnetic anisotropy on current-induced spin switching
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical review letters 111 (4), 046603, 2013
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in single molecular magnets coupled to ferromagnetic reservoirs
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Europhysics Letters 78 (2), 27003, 2007
Minimal excitation single-particle emitters: Comparison of charge-transport and energy-transport properties
N Dashti, M Misiorny, S Kheradsoud, P Samuelsson, J Splettstoesser
Physical Review B 100 (3), 035405, 2019
Spin-dependent thermoelectric effects in transport through a nanoscopic junction involving a spin impurity
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235438, 2014
Effect of magnetic anisotropy on spin-dependent thermoelectric effects in nanoscopic systems
M Misiorny, J Barnaś
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155426, 2015
Temperature dependence of electronic transport through molecular magnets in the Kondo regime
M Misiorny, I Weymann, J Barnaś
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (3), 035417, 2012
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