Young Hahn
Young Hahn
Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology, University of Virginia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Kuppfer cells trigger nonalcoholic steatohepatitis development in diet-induced mouse model through tumor necrosis factor-α production
AC Tosello-Trampont, SG Landes, V Nguyen, TI Novobrantseva, YS Hahn
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (48), 40161-40172, 2012
Formation of native hepatitis C virus glycoprotein complexes
V Deleersnyder, A Pillez, C Wychowski, K Blight, J Xu, YS Hahn, CM Rice, ...
Journal of virology 71 (1), 697-704, 1997
Conserved elements in the 3′ untranslated region of flavivirus RNAs and potential cyclization sequences
CS Hahn, YS Hahn, CM Rice, E Lee, L Dalgarno, EG Strauss, JH Strauss
Journal of molecular biology 198 (1), 33-41, 1987
Interaction between complement receptor gC1qR and hepatitis C virus core protein inhibits T-lymphocyte proliferation
DJ Kittlesen, KA Chianese-Bullock, ZQ Yao, TJ Braciale, YS Hahn
The Journal of clinical investigation 106 (10), 1239-1249, 2000
The role of macrophage polarization in infectious and inflammatory diseases
AC Labonte, AC Tosello-Trampont, YS Hahn
Molecules and cells 37 (4), 275-285, 2014
Suppression of host immune response by the core protein of hepatitis C virus: possible implications for hepatitis C virus persistence
MK Large, DJ Kittlesen, YS Hahn
The Journal of Immunology 162 (2), 931-938, 1999
Infectious Sindbis virus transient expression vectors for studying antigen processing and presentation.
CS Hahn, YS Hahn, TJ Braciale, CM Rice
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (7), 2679-2683, 1992
Nucleotide sequence of dengue 2 RNA and comparison of the encoded proteins with those of other flaviviruses
YS Hahn, R Caller, T Hunkapiller, JM Dalrymple, JH Strauss, EG Strauss
Virology 162 (1), 167-180, 1988
Myeloid suppressor cells induced by hepatitis C virus suppress T‐cell responses through the production of reactive oxygen species
RS Tacke, HC Lee, C Goh, J Courtney, SJ Polyak, HR Rosen, YS Hahn
Hepatology 55 (2), 343-353, 2012
Mapping of RNA-temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus: assignment of complementation groups A, B, and G to nonstructural proteins
YS Hahn, EG Strauss, JH Strauss
Journal of virology 63 (7), 3142-3150, 1989
Hepatitis C virus core protein inhibits human T lymphocyte responses by a complement-dependent regulatory pathway
ZQ Yao, DT Nguyen, AI Hiotellis, YS Hahn
The Journal of Immunology 167 (9), 5264-5272, 2001
Mapping of RNA-temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus: complementation group F mutants have lesions in nsP4
YS Hahn, A Grakoui, CM Rice, EG Strauss, JH Strauss
Journal of virology 63 (3), 1194-1202, 1989
Hepatitis C virus core from two different genotypes has an oncogenic potential but is not sufficient for transforming primary rat embryo fibroblasts in cooperation with the H …
J Chang, SH Yang, YG Cho, SB Hwang, YS Hahn, YC Sung
Journal of Virology 72 (4), 3060-3065, 1998
The HCV core protein acts as a positive regulator of fas-mediated apoptosis in a human lymphoblastoid T cell line
CS Hahn, YG Cho, BS Kang, IM Lester, YS Hahn
Virology 276 (1), 127-137, 2000
Myeloid‐derived suppressor cells: the dark knight or the joker in viral infections?
C Goh, S Narayanan, YS Hahn
Immunological reviews 255 (1), 210-221, 2013
Group 2 innate lymphoid cell production of IL-5 is regulated by NKT cells during influenza virus infection
SA Gorski, YS Hahn, TJ Braciale
PLoS pathogens 9 (9), e1003615, 2013
Chronically inflamed livers up‐regulate expression of inhibitory B7 family members
R Kassel, MW Cruise, JC Iezzoni, NA Taylor, TL Pruett, YS Hahn
Hepatology 50 (5), 1625-1637, 2009
Immunity to viruses
TJ Braciale, YS Hahn
Immunological reviews 255 (1), 5, 2013
Discovery of genes for ginsenoside biosynthesis by analysis of ginseng expressed sequence tags
JD Jung, HW Park, Y Hahn, CG Hur, DS In, HJ Chung, JR Liu, DW Choi
Plant Cell Reports 22, 224-230, 2003
Intrahepatic IL-10 maintains NKG2A+ Ly49− liver NK cells in a functionally hyporesponsive state
MG Lassen, JR Lukens, JS Dolina, MG Brown, YS Hahn
The Journal of Immunology 184 (5), 2693-2701, 2010
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