Francesco Goia
Francesco Goia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Search for the optimal window-to-wall ratio in office buildings in different European climates and the implications on total energy saving potential
F Goia
Solar energy 132, 467-492, 2016
Designing the design of experiments (DOE)–An investigation on the influence of different factorial designs on the characterization of complex systems
A Jankovic, G Chaudhary, F Goia
Energy and Buildings 250, 111298, 2021
Current trends and future challenges in the performance assessment of adaptive façade systems
S Attia, S Bilir, T Safy, C Struck, R Loonen, F Goia
Energy and Buildings 179, 165-182, 2018
Optimizing the configuration of a façade module for office buildings by means of integrated thermal and lighting simulations in a total energy perspective
F Goia, M Haase, M Perino
Applied energy 108, 515-527, 2013
Improving thermal comfort conditions by means of PCM glazing systems
F Goia, M Perino, V Serra
Energy and Buildings 60, 442-452, 2013
Experimental analysis of the energy performance of a full-scale PCM glazing prototype
F Goia, M Perino, V Serra
Solar Energy 100, 217-233, 2014
A numerical model to evaluate the thermal behaviour of PCM glazing system configurations
F Goia, M Perino, M Haase
Energy and Buildings 54, 141-153, 2012
Spectral and angular solar properties of a PCM-filled double glazing unit
F Goia, M Zinzi, E Carnielo, V Serra
Energy and Buildings 87, 302-312, 2015
Thermal and electrical performance of an integrated PV-PCM system in double skin façades: A numerical study
H Elarga, F Goia, A Zarrella, A Dal Monte, E Benini
Solar Energy 136, 112-124, 2016
A methodology to improve the performance of PV integrated shading devices using multi-objective optimization
E Taveres-Cachat, G Lobaccaro, F Goia, G Chaudhary
Applied energy 247, 731-744, 2019
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of an advanced responsive multifunctional façade module
F Favoino, F Goia, M Perino, V Serra
Energy and buildings 68, 647-659, 2014
Impact of double skin facade constructional features on heat transfer and fluid dynamic behaviour
A Jankovic, F Goia
Building and Environment 196, 107796, 2021
Characterization of the optical properties of a PCM glazing system
F Goia, M Zinzi, E Carnielo, V Serra
Energy Procedia 30, 428-437, 2012
Numerical model and simulation of a solar thermal collector with slurry Phase Change Material (PCM) as the heat transfer fluid
G Serale, F Goia, M Perino
Solar energy 134, 429-444, 2016
Modelling and experimental validation of an algorithm for simulation of hysteresis effects in phase change materials for building components
F Goia, G Chaudhary, S Fantucci
Energy and Buildings 174, 54-67, 2018
Phase change materials in transparent building envelopes: a strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis
I Vigna, L Bianco, F Goia, V Serra
Energies 11 (1), 111, 2018
Experimental analysis of an advanced dynamic glazing prototype integrating PCM and thermotropic layers
F Goia, L Bianco, Y Cascone, M Perino, V Serra
Energy Procedia 48, 1272-1281, 2014
Experimental analysis of the energy performance of an ACTive, RESponsive and Solar (ACTRESS) façade module
F Favoino, F Goia, M Perino, V Serra
Solar Energy 133, 226-248, 2016
Characterization and energy performance of a slurry PCM-based solar thermal collector: a numerical analysis
G Serale, S Baronetto, F Goia, M Perino
Energy Procedia 48, 223-232, 2014
Possibilities for characterization of a PCM window system using large scale measurements
S Grynning, F Goia, E Rognvik, B Time
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 2 (1), 56-64, 2013
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