Zhihao Xu
Zhihao Xu
Qingdao University, Institute of Ubiquitous Networks and Urban Computing
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A Novel Perspective on Travel Demand Prediction Considering Natural Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors
Z Xu, Z Lv, J Li, H Sun, Z Sheng
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2022
Deep learning in the COVID-19 epidemic: A deep model for urban traffic revitalization index
Z Lv, J Li, C Dong, H Li, Z Xu
Data & Knowledge Engineering 135, 101912, 2021
DeepSTF: A deep spatial–temporal forecast model of taxi flow
Z Lv, J Li, C Dong, Z Xu
The Computer Journal 66 (3), 565-580, 2023
Blind travel prediction based on obstacle avoidance in indoor scene
Z Lv, J Li, H Li, Z Xu, Y Wang
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2021 (1), 5536386, 2021
A Novel Approach for Predicting Water Demand with Complex Patterns Based on Ensemble Learning
Z Xu, Z Lv, J Li, A Shi
Water Resources Management, 2022
Traffic Flow Forecasting in the COVID-19: A Deep Spatial-Temporal Model Based on Discrete Wavelet Transformation
H Li, Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu, Y Wang, H Sun, Z Sheng
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2022
A graph spatial-temporal model for predicting population density of key areas
Z Xu, J Li, Z Lv, Y Wang, L Fu, X Wang
Computers & Electrical Engineering 93, 107235, 2021
A new approach to COVID-19 data mining: A deep spatial–temporal prediction model based on tree structure for traffic revitalization index
Z Lv, X Wang, Z Cheng, J Li, H Li, Z Xu
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2023
Taxi Travel Time Prediction Based on Fusion of Traffic Condition Features
Z Sheng, Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu, H Sun, X Liu, R Ye
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2022
Fast autoregressive tensor decomposition for online real-time traffic flow prediction
Z Xu, Z Lv, B Chu, J Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 282, 111125, 2023
GASTO: A Fast Adaptive Graph Learning Framework for Edge Computing empowered Task Offloading
Y Li, J Li, Z Lv, H Li, Y Wang, Z Xu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023
DeepPTP: A Deep Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Model for Traffic Intersection.
Z Lv, J Li, C Dong, Y Wang, H Li, Z Xu
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 15 (7), 2021
A classification method for urban functional regions based on the transfer rate of empty cars
Z Xu, J Li, Z Lv, C Dong, L Fu
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 16 (2), 133-147, 2022
TreeCN: Time Series Prediction with the Tree Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
Z Lv, Z Cheng, J Li, Z Xu, Z Yang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
Parallel Computing of Spatio-Temporal Model Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu, Y Wang, H Li
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications …, 2021
Optimization of Spatial-temporal Graph: A Taxi Demand Forecasting Model Based on Spatial-Temporal Tree
J Li, Z Lv, Z Ma, X Wang, Z Xu
Information Fusion, 102178, 2023
A Fast Spatial-temporal Information Compression Algorithm for Online Real-time Forecasting of Traffic Flow with Complex Nonlinear Patterns
Z Xu, Z Lv, B Chu, J Li
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024
Deep spatial-temporal travel time prediction model based on trajectory feature
Z Sheng, Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu
Computers & Electrical Engineering 110, 1-12, 2023
Will the order be canceled? order cancellation probability prediction based on deep residual model
H Sun, Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu, Z Sheng
Transportation Research Record 2677 (6), 142-160, 2023
Prediction of Cancellation Probability of Online Car Hailing Order Based on Multi-source Heterogeneous Data Fusion
H Sun, Z Lv, J Li, Z Xu, Z Sheng, Z Ma
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, 2022
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