Charlotte E. Riggs
Charlotte E. Riggs
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Mechanisms driving the soil organic matter decomposition response to nitrogen enrichment in grassland soils
CE Riggs, SE Hobbie
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 99, 54-65, 2016
Nitrogen addition changes grassland soil organic matter decomposition
CE Riggs, SE Hobbie, EM Bach, KS Hofmockel, CE Kazanski
Biogeochemistry 125, 203-219, 2015
Adaptive transgenerational plasticity in an annual plant: grandparental and parental drought stress enhance performance of seedlings in dry soil
JJ Herman, SE Sultan, T Horgan-Kobelski, C Riggs
Integrative and comparative biology 52 (1), 77-88, 2012
Pervasive and strong effects of plants on soil chemistry: a meta-analysis of individual plant ‘Zinke’effects
BG Waring, L Álvarez-Cansino, KE Barry, KK Becklund, S Dale, MG Gei, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1812), 20151001, 2015
A resurrection study reveals rapid adaptive evolution within populations of an invasive plant
SE Sultan, T Horgan‐Kobelski, LM Nichols, CE Riggs, RK Waples
Evolutionary Applications 6 (2), 266-278, 2013
Sensitivity of global soil carbon stocks to combined nutrient enrichment
TW Crowther, C Riggs, EM Lind, ET Borer, EW Seabloom, SE Hobbie, ...
Ecology Letters 22 (6), 936-945, 2019
Nutrient availability controls the impact of mammalian herbivores on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in grasslands
J Sitters, ERJ Wubs, ES Bakker, TW Crowther, PB Adler, S Bagchi, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (4), 2060-2071, 2020
Belowground biomass response to nutrient enrichment depends on light limitation across globally distributed grasslands
EE Cleland, EM Lind, NM DeCrappeo, E DeLorenze, RA Wilkins, ...
Ecosystems 22, 1466-1477, 2019
Long-term nitrogen addition does not increase soil carbon storage or cycling across eight temperate forest and grassland sites on a sandy outwash plain
CE Kazanski, CE Riggs, PB Reich, SE Hobbie
Ecosystems 22, 1592-1605, 2019
Contrasting effects of plant species traits and moisture on the decomposition of multiple litter fractions
CE Riggs, SE Hobbie, J Cavender-Bares, JA Savage, X Wei
Oecologia 179, 573-584, 2015
An experimental test of fitness variation across a hydrologic gradient predicts willow and poplar species distributions
X Wei, JA Savage, CE Riggs, J Cavender‐Bares
Ecology 98 (5), 1311-1323, 2017
Temporal fluctuations in young-of-the-year yellow perch mercury bioaccumulation in lakes of northeastern Minnesota
RK Kolka, CE Riggs, EA Nater, TR Wickman, EL Witt, JT Butcher
Science of the Total Environment 656, 475-481, 2019
Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) Mercury Unaffected by Wildland Fires in Northern Minnesota
CE Riggs, RK Kolka, EA Nater, EL Witt, TR Wickman, LG Woodruff, ...
Journal of environmental quality 46 (3), 623-631, 2017
Water availability modifies productivity response to biodiversity and nitrogen in long‐term grassland experiments
CE Kazanski, J Cowles, S Dymond, AT Clark, AS David, JM Jungers, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02363, 2021
The water cycle
H Corson-Dosch, C Nell, RE Volentine, AA Archer, E Bechtel, JL Bruce, ...
General Information Product, 2023
Making humans a part of the water cycle
C Nell, H Corson-Dosch, R Bryan, A Carr, A Archer, C Riggs
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, INV11D-01, 2023
Simulations of Nitrogen Enrichment Impacts on Carbon Dynamics in Different Grasslands
Y Wang, C Riggs, C Walter, Q Zhao, L Delancey, J Zheng, S Hobbie, ...
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2019), 2019
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
TW Crowther, C Riggs, E Lind, ET Borer, EW Seabloom, SE Hobbie, ...
Ecology Letters 22, 936-945, 2019
An experimental test of fitness variation across a hydrologic gradient predicts willow and poplar species distributions.
WXJ Wei XiaoJing, JA Savage, CE Riggs, J Cavender-Bares
Fish Mercury Loads and Lake Productivity Are Not Impacted by Wildland Fire in Northern Minnesota
C Riggs, RK Kolka, EA Nater, E Witt, T Wickman, LG Woodruff, J Butcher
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, B23A-0555, 2016
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