Pierre Sagnes
Pierre Sagnes
Office français de la biodiversité
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adaptations to increasing hydraulic stress: morphology, hydrodynamics and fitness of two higher aquatic plant species
S Puijalon, G Bornette, P Sagnes
Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (412), 777-786, 2005
Comparison of three life-history traits of invasive Elodea canadensis Michx. and Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John
MH Barrat-Segretain, A Elger, P Sagnes, S Puijalon
Aquatic Botany 74 (4), 299-313, 2002
Habitat preferences of European grayling in a medium size stream, the Ain river, France
JP Mallet, N Lamouroux, P Sagnes, H Persat
Journal of Fish Biology 56 (6), 1312-1326, 2000
The debate about drag and reconfiguration of freshwater macrophytes: comparing results obtained by three recently discussed approaches
B Statzner, N Lamouroux, V Nikora, P Sagnes
Freshwater Biology 51 (11), 2173-2183, 2006
Shifts in morphometrics and their relation to hydrodynamic potential and habitat use during grayling ontogenesis
P Sagnes, P Gaudin, B Statzner
Journal of fish biology 50 (4), 846-858, 1997
Hydraulic habitat use with respect to body size of aquatic insect larvae: Case of six species from a French Mediterranean type stream
P Sagnes, S Mérigoux, N Péru
Limnologica 38 (1), 23-33, 2008
Shifts in drag and swimming potential during grayling ontogenesis: relations with habitat use
P Sagnes, JY Champagne, R Morel
Journal of Fish Biology 57 (1), 52-68, 2000
Crayfish and fish as bioturbators of streambed sediments: assessing joint effects of species with different mechanistic abilities
B Statzner, P Sagnes
Geomorphology 93 (3-4), 267-287, 2008
Influence of female age, body size and environmental conditions on annual egg production of the bullhead
A Abdoli, D Pont, P Sagnes
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (5), 1327-1341, 2005
Morphology–diet relationships in four killifishes (Teleostei, Cyprinodontidae, Orestias) from Lake Titicaca
E Maldonado, N Hubert, P Sagnes, B De Mérona
Journal of Fish Biology 74 (3), 502-520, 2009
Contribution of benthic fish to the patch dynamics of gravel and sand transport in streams
B Statzner, P Sagnes, JY Champagne, S Viboud
Water Resources Research 39 (11), 2003
Hydrodynamic abilities of riverine fish: a functional link between morphology and velocity use
P Sagnes, B Statzner
Aquatic Living Resources 22 (1), 79-91, 2009
Field evidence of reproduction impairment through sperm DNA damage in the fish nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in anthropized hydrosystems
A Devaux, S Bony, S Plenet, P Sagnes, S Segura, R Suaire, M Novak, ...
Aquatic toxicology 169, 113-122, 2015
Silver eel downstream migration in fragmented rivers: use of a Bayesian model to track movements triggering and duration
H Drouineau, F Bau, A Alric, N Deligne, P Gomes, P Sagnes
Aquatic Living Resources 30, 5, 2017
Hydrodynamics optimization in butterfly swimming: position, drag coefficient and performance
R Taı̈ar, P Sagnes, C Henry, AB Dufour, AH Rouard
Journal of biomechanics 32 (8), 803-810, 1999
Potential artefacts in morphometric analyses of fish: effects of formalin preservation on 0+ grayling
P Sagnes
Journal of Fish Biology 50 (4), 910-914, 1997
Intrabasin variations in age and growth of bullhead: the effects of temperature
A Abdoli, D Pont, P Sagnes
Journal of Fish Biology 70 (4), 1224-1238, 2007
Variability in the growth rate of chub Leuciscus cephalus along a longitudinal river gradient
PA Tedesco, P Sagnes, J Laroche
Journal of Fish Biology 74 (1), 312-319, 2009
The generality of changes in the trait composition of fish and invertebrate communities after flow restoration in a large river (French Rhône)
S Dolédec, E Castella, M Forcellini, JM Olivier, A Paillex, P Sagnes
Freshwater Biology 60 (6), 1147-1161, 2015
Débits écologiques: la place des modèles d’habitat hydraulique dans une démarche intégrée
N Lamouroux, B Augeard, P Baran, H Capra, Y Le Coarer, V Girard, ...
Hydroécologie appliquée 20, 1-27, 2018
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