Parmesh Gajjar
Parmesh Gajjar
CTO, InformiX Pharma Ltd and Visiting Researcher, University of Manchester
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Underlying asymmetry within particle size segregation
K van der Vaart, P Gajjar, G Epely-Chauvin, N Andreini, J Gray, C Ancey
Physical review letters 114 (23), 238001, 2015
Asymmetric flux models for particle-size segregation in granular avalanches
P Gajjar, J Gray
Journal of fluid mechanics 757, 297-329, 2014
Meander formation in supraglacial streams
L Karlstrom, P Gajjar, M Manga
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (3), 1897-1907, 2013
Laminography in the lab: imaging planar objects using a conventional x-ray CT scanner
SL Fisher, DJ Holmes, JS Jørgensen, P Gajjar, J Behnsen, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 30 (3), 035401, 2019
Particle-size segregation in dense granular avalanches
JMNT Gray, P Gajjar, P Kokelaar
Comptes Rendus. Physique 16 (1), 73-85, 2015
Geometrical and mechanical characterisation of hollow thermoplastic microspheres for syntactic foam applications
ME Curd, NF Morrison, MJA Smith, P Gajjar, Z Yousaf, WJ Parnell
Composites Part B: Engineering 223, 108952, 2021
3D Characterisation of Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations: Developing X-ray Micro Computed Tomography Approaches
P Gajjar, ID Styliari, TTH Nguyen, J Carr, X Chen, JA Elliott, RB Hammond, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 151, 32-44, 2020
Asymmetric breaking size-segregation waves in dense granular free-surface flows
P Gajjar, K Van Der Vaart, AR Thornton, CG Johnson, C Ancey, J Gray
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794, 460-505, 2016
Size segregation of irregular granular materials captured by time-resolved 3D imaging
P Gajjar, CG Johnson, J Carr, K Chrispeels, J Gray, PJ Withers
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8352, 2021
New software protocols for enabling laboratory based temporal CT
P Gajjar, JS Jørgensen, JRA Godinho, CG Johnson, A Ramsey, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (9), 2018
Measuring the Particle Packing of l-Glutamic Acid Crystals through X-ray Computed Tomography for Understanding Powder Flow and Consolidation Behavior
TD Turner, P Gajjar, IS Fragkopoulos, J Carr, TTH Nguyen, D Hooper, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (7), 4252-4263, 2020
Breaking size-segregation waves and mobility feedback in dense granular avalanches
K van der Vaart, AR Thornton, CG Johnson, T Weinhart, L Jing, P Gajjar, ...
Granular Matter 20, 1-18, 2018
Crystallographic tomography and molecular modelling of structured organic polycrystalline powders
P Gajjar, TTH Nguyen, J Sun, ID Styliari, H Bale, SA McDonald, TL Burnett, ...
CrystEngComm 23 (13), 2520-2531, 2021
Initiation and short crack growth behaviour of environmentally induced cracks in AA5083 H131 investigated across time and length scales
VC Gudla, A Garner, M Storm, P Gajjar, J Carr, BC Palmer, ...
Corrosion Reviews 37 (5), 469-481, 2019
Establishing the suitability of model‐integrated evidence to demonstrate bioequivalence for long‐acting injectable and implantable drug products: summary of workshop
Y Gong, P Zhang, M Yoon, H Zhu, A Kohojkar, AC Hooker, MP Ducharme, ...
CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 12 (5), 624-630, 2023
Determining bioequivalence possibilities of long acting injectables through population PK modelling
P Gajjar, J Dickinson, H Dickinson, L Ruston, HB Mistry, C Patterson, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 179, 106296, 2022
Multiscale tomography: Probing the nano-, micro-, and meso-scale resolution of inhalation powder structure
P Gajjar, ID Styliari, T Burnett, X Chen, JA Elliot, WJ Ganley, R Hammond, ...
Respiratory Drug Delivery Europe 2019, 155-168, 2019
Understanding the agglomerate crystallisation of hexamine through X-ray microscopy and crystallographic modelling
TTH Nguyen, P Gajjar, J Sun, RB Hammond, D Murnane, B Tordoff, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 603, 126986, 2023
Unlocking the microstructure of inhalation blends using x-ray microscopy
P Gajjar, H Bale, T Burnett, X Chen, JA Elliot, HV Gomez, RB Hammond, ...
Respiratory Drug Delivery 2020, 2020
Microstructural insight into inhalation powder blends through correlative multi-scale X-ray computed tomography
P Gajjar, ID Styliari, V Legh-Land, H Bale, B Tordoff, PJ Withers, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 191, 265-275, 2023
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