Chris Dann
Chris Dann
Edith Cowan university
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A review of the trends and challenges in adopting natural language processing methods for education feedback analysis
T Shaik, X Tao, Y Li, C Dann, J McDonald, P Redmond, L Galligan
Ieee Access 10, 56720-56739, 2022
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining on educational data: A survey
T Shaik, X Tao, C Dann, H Xie, Y Li, L Galligan
Natural Language Processing Journal 2, 100003, 2023
Mobile video collection in preservice teacher practicum placements
C Dann, B Allen
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 23 (1), 5-27, 2015
Towards an understanding of the engagement and emotional behaviour of MOOC students using sentiment and semantic features
X Tao, A Shannon-Honson, P Delaney, C Dann, H Xie, Y Li, S O'Neill
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 4, 100116, 2023
Designing an artificial intelligence tool to understand student engagement based on teacher's behaviours and movements in video conferencing
N Verma, S Getenet, C Dann, T Shaik
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 5, 100187, 2023
Deepening understanding of ‘pedagogical outcomes’ through video data collection: a catalyst for guided reflective learning conversations
C Dann, T Richardson
International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 10 (1), 62-80, 2015
Data analytics on online student engagement data for academic performance modeling
X Tao, A Shannon-Honson, P Delaney, L Li, C Dann, Y Li, H Xie
IEEE Access 10, 103176-103186, 2022
Effective online professional development: Teacher perceptions, practices, and preferences
T Poole, A Fitzgerald, C Dann
Formative assessment via video feedback on practicum: Implications for higher education and professional teacher accreditation bodies
C Dann, B Dann, S O'Neill
Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools …, 2019
Effects of rubric quality on marker variation in higher education
S Chakraborty, C Dann, A Mandal, B Dann, M Paul, A Hafeez-Baig
Studies in Educational Evaluation 70, 100997, 2021
Outcomes of a Collaborative Contextualised Learning Approach to Teacher Professional Development in Papua, Indonesia.
A Robertson, PM Curtis, C Dann
International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 17 (2), 88-101, 2018
Formative Assessment Practices for Pre-Service Teacher Practicum Feedback: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and Opportunities
T Richardson, B Dann, C Dann, S O'Neill
IGI Global, 2017
Characteristics of engaging teaching videos in higher education: a systematic literature review of teachers’ behaviours and movements in video conferencing
N Verma, S Getenet, C Dann, T Shaik
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 18, 2023
Using mobile video technologies to enhance the assessment and learning of pre-service teachers in Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
C Dann, B Allen
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2013
Educational decision support system adopting sentiment analysis on student feedback
T Shaik, X Tao, C Dann, C Quadrelli, Y Li, S O’Neill
2022 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2022
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining on educational data: A survey. Natural Language Processing Journal, 2, 100003
T Shaik, X Tao, C Dann, H Xie, Y Li, L Galligan
Exemplifying formative assessment practices in the field through case study: Concepts, issues, and challenges
C Dann, B Dann
Formative assessment practices for pre-service teacher practicum feedback …, 2018
Positioning preservice teacher formative assessment in the literature
C Dann, S O'Neill
Formative assessment practices for pre-service teacher practicum feedback …, 2018
Teaching project management to primary school children: Exploring the perspectives of project practitioners
S Delle-Vergini, M Ally, D Eacersall, C Dann, S Chakraborty
Issues in Educational Research 33 (1), 41-70, 2023
Are you feeding back or is it taking students forward?: Changing the traditional narrative to ensure a dialogic approach in formative assessment
CE Dann, S O'Neill
Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment Practices in Higher Education, 275-296, 2020
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