Dr. Atul Babbar
Dr. Atul Babbar
Deputy Dean (Research & Development), SGT University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Synthesis, characterization, and bioactivity investigation of biomimetic biodegradable PLA scaffold fabricated by fused filament fabrication process
D Singh, A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta, S Saxena, V Dwibedi
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41, 1-13, 2019
Fused filament fabrication: A state-of-the-art review of the technology, materials, properties and defects
A Yadav, P Rohru, A Babbar, R Kumar, N Ranjan, JS Chohan, R Kumar, ...
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 17 (6 …, 2023
In-situ simultaneous surface finishing using abrasive flow machining via novel fixture
R Baraiya, A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Journal of manufacturing processes 50, 266-278, 2020
Machining of hard and brittle materials: A comprehensive review
A Sharma, M Kalsia, AS Uppal, A Babbar, V Dhawan
Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 1048-1052, 2022
Application of hybrid nature-inspired algorithm: Single and bi-objective constrained optimization of magnetic abrasive finishing process parameters
A Babbar, C Prakash, S Singh, MK Gupta, M Mia, CI Pruncu
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (4), 7961-7974, 2020
Enhancement of activated tungsten inert gas (A-TIG) welding using multi-component TiO2-SiO2-Al2O3 hybrid flux
A Babbar, A Kumar, V Jain, D Gupta
Measurement 148, 106912, 2019
In vivo evaluation of machining forces, torque, and bone quality during skull bone grinding
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2020
Experimental investigation and optimization of electric discharge machining process parameters using grey-fuzzy-based hybrid techniques
A Sharma, V Kumar, A Babbar, V Dhawan, K Kotecha, C Prakash
Materials 14 (19), 5820, 2021
Thermogenesis mitigation using ultrasonic actuation during bone grinding: a hybrid approach using CEM43° C and Arrhenius model
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41, 1-14, 2019
Rotary ultrasonic milling of C/SiC composites fabricated using chemical vapor infiltration and needling technique
A Babbar, A Sharma, V Jain, AK Jain
Materials Research Express 6 (8), 085607, 2019
Machining of ceramic materials: a state-of-the-art review
A Sharma, A Babbar, Y Tian, BP Pathri, M Gupta, R Singh
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 17 (6 …, 2023
Enhancement of surface roughness for brittle material during rotary ultrasonic machining
A Sharma, A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Matec web of conferences 249, 01006, 2018
Finite element simulation and integration of CEM43° C and Arrhenius Models for ultrasonic-assisted skull bone grinding: A thermal dose model
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta, D Agrawal
Medical Engineering & Physics 90, 9-22, 2021
A Review Study on Miniaturization
A Sharma, V Jain, D Gupta, A Babbar
Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Technology, 111, 2020
Comparative statement for diametric delamination in drilling of cortical bone with conventional and ultrasonic assisted drilling techniques
G Singh, A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Journal of Orthopaedics 25, 53-58, 2021
Experimental analysis of wear and multi-shape burr loading during neurosurgical bone grinding
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta, D Agrawal, C Prakash, S Singh, LY Wu, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12, 15-28, 2021
Effect of post weld thermal aging (PWTA) sensitization on micro-hardness and corrosion behavior of AISI 304 weld joints
M Kumar, A Babbar, A Sharma, AS Shahi
Journal of Physics Conference Series 1240 (012078), 2019
Neurosurgical bone grinding
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta
Biomanufacturing, 137-155, 2019
3D Bioprinting in pharmaceutical, medicine, and tissue engineering applications
A Babbar, V Jain, D Gupta, C Prakash, S Singh, A Sharma
Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Technology, 147, 2020
Multi-objective optimization of magnetic abrasive finishing using grey relational analysis
A Babbar, A Sharma, P Singh
Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 570-575, 2022
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