Dr Manidipto Mukherjee, AMIE, MIIW
Dr Manidipto Mukherjee, AMIE, MIIW
Principal Scientist, AMRG, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur 713209, West Bengal, India
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Comparative study of pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels
N Kumar, M Mukherjee, A Bandyopadhyay
Optics & Laser Technology 88, 24-39, 2017
Influence of Heat Input on Martensite Formation and Impact Property of Ferritic-Austenitic Dissimilar Weld Metals
M Mukherjee, K Pal, Tapan
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 28 (4), 343-352, 2012
Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Property Analysis of Gas Metal Arc Welded AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel
S Saha, M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24 (3), 1125-1139, 2015
Study on laser welding of austenitic stainless steel by varying incident angle of pulsed laser beam
N Kumar, M Mukherjee, A Bandyopadhyay
Optics & Laser Technology 94, 296-309, 2017
Effect of Double-Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding (DP-GMAW) Process Variables on Microstructural Constituents and Hardness of Low Carbon Steel Weld Deposits
M Sen, M Mukherjee, SK Singh, TK Pal
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 31, 424–439, 2018
Evaluation of Correlations between DP-GMAW Process Parameters and Bead Geometry
Mainak Sen, Manidipto Mukherjee, Tapan Kumar Pal
Welding Journal 94 (8), 265s-279s, 2015
A critical review on the properties of intermetallic compounds and their application in the modern manufacturing
AR Paul, M Mukherjee, D Singh
Crystal research and technology 57 (3), 2100159, 2022
Influence of curing condition on thermo-mechanical properties of fly ash reinforced epoxy composite
A Pattanaik, M Mukherjee, SB Mishra
Composites Part B: Engineering 176, 107301, 2019
Development of a Direct Correlation of Bead Geometry, Grain Size and HAZ Width with the GMAW Process Parameters on Bead-on-plate Welds of Mild Steel
DK Adak, M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 68 (5), 839–849, 2015
Evaluation of microstructural and mechanical properties of Fe-16Cr-1Ni-9Mn-0.12 N austenitic stainless steel welded joints
M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Materials Characterization 131, 406-424, 2017
Influence of modes of metal transfer on grain structure and direction of grain growth in low nickel austenitic stainless steel weld metals
M Mukherjee, S Saha, TK Pal, P Kanjilal
Materials Characterization 102, 9-18, 2015
Role of Microstructural Constituents on Surface Crack Formation During Hot Rolling of Standard and Low Nickel Austenitic Stainless Steels
M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 26 (2), 206-216, 2013
Effect of bidirectional and switchback deposition strategies on microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured Inconel 625
M Raja, Y Tiwari, M Mukherjee, B Maji, A Chatterjee
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-17, 2022
Effect of Grain Boundary Precipitation and δ-ferrite formation on Surface Defect of Low Nickel Austenitic Stainless Steels
S Das, M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Engineering Failure Analysis 54 (4), 90-102, 2015
Influence of Mode of Metal Transfer on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gas Metal Arc-Welded Modified Ferritic Stainless Steel
M Mukherjee, TK Pal
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (6), 1791-1808, 2012
A comparative evaluation of the microstructural characteristics of L-DED and W-DED processed 316L stainless steel
T Das, M Mukherjee, D Chatterjee, SK Samanta, AK Lohar
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 40, 114-128, 2023
Forecasting of process parameters using machine learning techniques for wire arc additive manufacturing process
R Sharma, AR Paul, M Mukherjee, SRK Vadali, RK Singh, AK Sharma
Materials Today: Proceedings 80, 248-253, 2023
Influence of inter-layer rotation in parallel deposition strategies on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical behaviour of Inconel-625 during directed energy deposition
Y Tiwari, M Mukherjee, D Chatterjee, R Manivannan
Materials Characterization 197, 112711, 2023
Effect of micro-alloying on the characteristics of as-cast Al-Zn-Cu-Mg-X alloy with varying Cu and Zn
D Mukherjee, M Mukherjee, N Mandal, SK Samanta, A Maiti
Materials Today Communications 34, 105445, 2023
Development of near homogeneous properties in wire arc additive manufacturing process for near-net shaped structural component of low-carbon steel
AR Paul, M Mukherjee, M Raja, S Kundu, A Chatterjee
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2022
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