Heon-Joon Park
Investigation of seismic performances of unconnected pile foundations using dynamic centrifuge tests
JG Ha, KW Ko, SB Jo, HJ Park, DS Kim
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-26, 2018
Numerical analysis of inverted T-type wall under seismic loading
J Lee, H Chae, DS Kim, SB Jo, HJ Park
Computers and geotechnics 66, 85-95, 2015
Soil-rounding effect on embedded rocking foundation via horizontal slow cyclic tests
KW Ko, JG Ha, HJ Park, DS Kim
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (3), 04018004, 2018
Investigation of the dynamic behaviour of a storage tank with different foundation types focusing on the soil‐foundation‐structure interactions using centrifuge model tests
HJ Park, JG Ha, SY Kwon, MG Lee, DS Kim
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 46 (14), 2301-2316, 2017
Evaluation of dynamic bending moment of disconnected piled raft via centrifuge tests
KW Ko, HJ Park, JG Ha, S Jin, YH Song, MJ Song, DS Kim
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (12), 1917-1928, 2019
Centrifuge modelling of drained pullout and compression cyclic behaviour of suction bucket
YH Jeong, JH Kim, S Manandhar, JG Ha, HJ Park, DS Kim
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 20 (2), 59-70, 2020
Centrifuge modeling of disconnected piled raft using vertical pushover tests
HJ Park, KW Ko, YH Song, MJ Song, S Jin, JG Ha, DS Kim
Acta Geotechnica 15, 2637-2648, 2020
Cyclic behavior of unit bucket for tripod foundation system supporting offshore wind turbine via model tests
YH Jeong, JH Kim, HJ Park, DS Kim
Wind Energy 22 (2), 257-268, 2019
Comparison between cyclic and dynamic rocking behavior for embedded shallow foundation using centrifuge tests
KW Ko, JG Ha, HJ Park, DS Kim
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 5171-5193, 2018
Centrifuge modelling for evaluation of seismic behaviour of stone masonry structure
HJ Park, DS Kim
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 53, 187-195, 2013
Assessment of horizontal seismic coefficient for gravity quay walls by centrifuge tests
MG Lee, JG Ha, SB Jo, HJ Park, DS Kim
Géotechnique Letters 7 (2), 211-217, 2017
Round Robin test for comparative study of in-situ seismic tests
DS Kim, HJ Park, ES Bang
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2013
Centrifuge Modeling of Improved Design for Rocking Foundation Using Short Piles
KW Ko, JG Ha, HJ Park, DS Kim
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (8), 04019031, 2019
Centrifuge modeling to evaluate natural frequency and seismic behavior of offshore wind turbine considering SFSI
JT Seong, JG Ha, JH Kim, HJ Park, DS Kim
Wind Energy 20 (10), 1787-1800, 2017
Simplified estimation of rotational stiffness of tripod foundation for offshore wind turbine under cyclic loadings
YH Jeong, JH Kim, KW Ko, HJ Park
Applied Ocean Research 112, 102697, 2021
Automated procedure for estimating VS30 utilizing P-wave seismograms and its application to Japan
S Kang, B Kim, H Park, J Lee
Engineering Geology 264, 105388, 2020
Evaluation of K in Centrifuge Model Using Shear Wave Velocity
H Cho, H Park, D Kim, Y Choo
Geotechnical Testing Journal 37 (2), 255-267, 2014
Estimation of Dynamic Material Properties for Fill Dam: I. In-situ Shearwave Velocity Profiles
JT Kim, DS Kim, HJ Park, HK Kwon
Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society 25 (12), 69-85, 2009
Investigation of period-lengthening ratio for single-degree-of-freedom structures using dynamic centrifuge test
KW Ko, JG Ha, HJ Park, DS Kim
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 25 (7), 1358-1380, 2021
Differences between main shock and aftershock ground motions derived from the Japanese KiK-net database
H Lee, HJ Park, B Kim
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 138, 106325, 2020
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