Yosuke Toda
Yosuke Toda
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Plant dehydrins and stress tolerance: versatile proteins for complex mechanisms
M Hanin, F Brini, C Ebel, Y Toda, S Takeda, K Masmoudi
Plant signaling & behavior 6 (10), 1503-1509, 2011
How convolutional neural networks diagnose plant disease
Y Toda, F Okura
Plant Phenomics, 2019
Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis
M Zhang, Y Wang, X Chen, F Xu, M Ding, W Ye, Y Kawai, Y Toda, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 735, 2021
RICE SALT SENSITIVE3 forms a ternary complex with JAZ and class-C bHLH factors and regulates jasmonate-induced gene expression and root cell elongation
Y Toda, M Tanaka, D Ogawa, K Kurata, K Kurotani, Y Habu, T Ando, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (5), 1709-1725, 2013
Training instance segmentation neural network with synthetic datasets for crop seed phenotyping
Y Toda, F Okura, J Ito, S Okada, T Kinoshita, H Tsuji, D Saisho
Communications biology 3 (1), 173, 2020
Elevated levels of CYP94 family gene expression alleviate the jasmonate response and enhance salt tolerance in rice
K Kurotani, K Hayashi, S Hatanaka, Y Toda, D Ogawa, H Ichikawa, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 56 (4), 779-789, 2015
Rice leaf hydrophobicity and gas films are conferred by a wax synthesis gene (LGF1) and contribute to flood tolerance
Y Kurokawa, K Nagai, PD Huan, K Shimazaki, H Qu, Y Mori, Y Toda, ...
New Phytologist 218 (4), 1558-1569, 2018
RSS1 regulates the cell cycle and maintains meristematic activity under stress conditions in rice
D Ogawa, K Abe, A Miyao, M Kojima, H Sakakibara, M Mizutani, H Morita, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 278, 2011
Bioinformatics in bioscience and bioengineering: recent advances, applications, and perspectives
K Uesaka, H Oka, R Kato, K Kanie, T Kojima, H Tsugawa, Y Toda, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 134 (5), 363-373, 2022
Identification and characterization of compounds that affect stomatal movements
S Toh, S Inoue, Y Toda, T Yuki, K Suzuki, S Hamamoto, K Fukatsu, S Aoki, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 59 (8), 1568-1580, 2018
Oryza sativa H + -ATPase (OSA) is Involved in the Regulation of Dumbbell-Shaped Guard Cells of Rice
Y Toda, Y Wang, A Takahashi, Y Kawai, Y Tada, N Yamaji, J Feng Ma, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 57 (6), 1220-1230, 2016
Stress tolerance profiling of a collection of extant salt-tolerant rice varieties and transgenic plants overexpressing abiotic stress tolerance genes
K Kurotani, K Yamanaka, Y Toda, D Ogawa, M Tanaka, H Kozawa, ...
Plant and cell physiology 56 (10), 1867-1876, 2015
DeepStomata: Facial Recognition Technology for Automated Stomatal Aperture Measurement
Y Toda, S Toh, G Bourdais, S Robatzek, D Maclean, T Kinoshita
BioRxiv, 365098, 2018
A single base change explains the independent origin of and selection for the nonshattering gene in African rice domestication
KT Win, Y Yamagata, K Doi, K Uyama, Y Nagai, Y Toda, T Kani, ...
New Phytologist 213 (4), 1925-1935, 2017
Overexpression of the JAZ factors with mutated jas domains causes pleiotropic defects in rice spikelet development
Y Hori, K Kurotani, Y Toda, T Hattori, S Takeda
Plant signaling & behavior 9 (10), e970414, 2014
Evolutionary insight into the clock-associated PRR5 transcriptional network of flowering plants
Y Toda, T Kudo, T Kinoshita, N Nakamichi
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2983, 2019
Overexpression of Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase in Guard Cells Enhances Light-Induced Stomatal Opening, Photosynthesis, and Plant Growth in Hybrid Aspen
S Toh, N Takata, E Ando, Y Toda, Y Wang, Y Hayashi, N Mitsuda, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 766037, 2021
RICE SALT SENSITIVE3 binding to bHLH and JAZ factors mediates control of cell wall plasticity in the root apex
Y Toda, M Yoshida, T Hattori, S Takeda
Plant Signaling & Behavior 8 (11), e26256, 2013
Overexpression of BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2 improves the efficiency of photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis
FA Busch, J Tominaga, M Muroya, N Shirakami, S Takahashi, W Yamori, ...
The Plant Journal 102 (1), 129-137, 2020
Identification and improvement of isothiocyanate-based inhibitors on stomatal opening to act as drought tolerance-conferring agrochemicals
Y Aihara, B Maeda, K Goto, K Takahashi, M Nomoto, S Toh, W Ye, Y Toda, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 2665, 2023
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