Qiang Ling
Battery health prognosis using Brownian motion modeling and particle filtering
G Dong, Z Chen, J Wei, Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (11), 8646-8655, 2018
Multi-scale triplet cnn for person re-identification
J Liu, ZJ Zha, QI Tian, D Liu, T Yao, Q Ling, T Mei
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 192-196, 2016
A Salp-Swarm Optimization based MPPT technique for harvesting maximum energy from PV systems under partial shading conditions
AF Mirza, M Mansoor, Q Ling, B Yin, MY Javed
Energy conversion and management 209, 112625, 2020
Robust performance of soft real-time networked control systems with data dropouts
Q Ling, MD Lemmon
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 2 …, 2002
Harris hawk optimization-based MPPT control for PV systems under partial shading conditions
M Mansoor, AF Mirza, Q Ling
Journal of Cleaner Production 274, 122857, 2020
Optimal dropout compensation in networked control systems
Q Ling, MD Lemmon
42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Boosting image sentiment analysis with visual attention
K Song, T Yao, Q Ling, T Mei
Neurocomputing 312, 218-228, 2018
Novel Grass Hopper optimization based MPPT of PV systems for complex partial shading conditions
M Mansoor, AF Mirza, Q Ling, MY Javed
Solar Energy 198, 499-518, 2020
Stability of quantized control systems under dynamic bit assignment
Q Ling, MD Lemmon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (5), 734-740, 2005
Novel MPPT techniques for photovoltaic systems under uniform irradiance and Partial shading
AF Mirza, Q Ling, MY Javed, M Mansoor
Solar Energy 184, 628-648, 2019
Soft real-time scheduling of networked control systems with dropouts governed by a Markov chain
Q Ling, MD Lemmon
Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference, 2003. 6, 4845-4850, 2003
Power spectral analysis of networked control systems with data dropouts
Q Ling, MD Lemmon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 49 (6), 955-959, 2004
Power capability evaluation for lithium iron phosphate batteries based on multi-parameter constraints estimation
Y Wang, R Pan, C Liu, Z Chen, Q Ling
Journal of Power Sources 374, 12-23, 2018
Supervised pixel-wise GAN for face super-resolution
M Zhang, Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 1938-1950, 2020
A novel MPPT design using generalized pattern search for partial shading
MY Javed, AF Murtaza, Q Ling, S Qamar, MM Gulzar
Energy and Buildings 133, 59-69, 2016
Bit rate conditions to stabilize a continuous-time scalar linear system based on event triggering
Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 4093-4100, 2016
Ranking-based Siamese visual tracking
F Tang, Q Ling
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Firm real-time system scheduling based on a novel QoS constraint
D Liu, XS Hu, MD Lemmon, Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (3), 320-333, 2006
Pwstablenet: Learning pixel-wise warping maps for video stabilization
M Zhao, Q Ling
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 3582-3595, 2020
A novel MPPT technique based on Henry gas solubility optimization
AF Mirza, M Mansoor, Q Ling
Energy Conversion and Management 225, 113409, 2020
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