Chunming Rong
Beyond lightning: A survey on security challenges in cloud computing
C Rong, ST Nguyen, MG Jaatun
Computers & Electrical Engineering 39 (1), 47-54, 2013
A comprehensive survey of blockchain: From theory to IoT applications and beyond
M Wu, K Wang, X Cai, S Guo, M Guo, C Rong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 8114-8154, 2019
Using Spearman's correlation coefficients for exploratory data analysis on big dataset
C Xiao, J Ye, RM Esteves, C Rong
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (14), 3866-3878, 2016
Detecting spammers on social networks
X Zheng, Z Zeng, Z Chen, Y Yu, C Rong
Neurocomputing 159, 27-34, 2015
Strengthen cloud computing security with federal identity management using hierarchical identity-based cryptography
L Yan, C Rong, G Zhao
IEEE international conference on cloud computing, 167-177, 2009
Security in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
E Cayirci, C Rong
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
A survey of key management in ad hoc networks
AM Hegland, E Winjum, SF Mjolsnes, C Rong, O Kure, P Spilling
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 8 (3), 48-66, 2006
Trusted data sharing over untrusted cloud storage providers
G Zhao, C Rong, J Li, F Zhang, Y Tang
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2010
Ushare: user controlled social media based on blockchain
A Chakravorty, C Rong
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on ubiquitous information …, 2017
New families of almost perfect nonlinear power mappings
T Helleseth, C Rong, D Sandberg
IEEE transactions on Information Theory 45 (2), 475-485, 1999
Privacy preserving data analytics for smart homes
A Chakravorty, T Wlodarczyk, C Rong
2013 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 23-27, 2013
A widespread review of smart grids towards smart cities
M Farmanbar, K Parham, Ø Arild, C Rong
Energies 12 (23), 4484, 2019
A survey of decentralizing applications via blockchain: The 5G and beyond perspective
K Yue, Y Zhang, Y Chen, Y Li, L Zhao, C Rong, L Chen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (4), 2191-2217, 2021
Fast algorithms to evaluate collaborative filtering recommender systems
F Zhang, T Gong, VE Lee, G Zhao, C Rong, G Qu
Knowledge-Based Systems 96, 96-103, 2016
Fine-grained data access control systems with user accountability in cloud computing
J Li, G Zhao, X Chen, D Xie, C Rong, W Li, L Tang, Y Tang
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2010
Secure big data storage and sharing scheme for cloud tenants
H Cheng, C Rong, K Hwang, W Wang, Y Li
China Communications 12 (6), 106-115, 2015
Blockchain based transaction system with fungible and non-fungible tokens for a community-based energy infrastructure
N Karandikar, A Chakravorty, C Rong
Sensors 21 (11), 3822, 2021
Cloud computing: History and overview
J Surbiryala, C Rong
2019 IEEE Cloud Summit, 1-7, 2019
K-means clustering in the cloud--a Mahout test
RM Esteves, R Pais, C Rong
2011 IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information …, 2011
Accountability for cloud and other future internet services
S Pearson, V Tountopoulos, D Catteddu, M Südholt, R Molva, C Reich, ...
4th IEEE international conference on cloud computing technology and science …, 2012
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