Gang Chen
Object-based change detection
G Chen, GJ Hay, LMT Carvalho, MA Wulder
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (14), 4434-4457, 2012
Geographic Object-based Image Analysis (GEOBIA): Emerging trends and future opportunities
G Chen, Q Weng, GJ Hay, Y He
GIScience & Remote Sensing 55, 159-182, 2018
Modeling urban building energy use: A review of modeling approaches and procedures
W Li, Y Zhou, K Cetin, J Eom, Y Wang, G Chen, X Zhang
Energy 141, 2445-2457, 2017
Lidar plots—A new large-area data collection option: Context, concepts, and case study
MA Wulder, JC White, CW Bater, NC Coops, C Hopkinson, G Chen
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (5), 600-618, 2012
A comparison of Gaussian process regression, random forests and support vector regression for burn severity assessment in diseased forests
C Hultquist, G Chen, K Zhao
Remote Sensing Letters 5 (8), 723-732, 2014
Remote Sensing of Forest Damage by Diseases and Insects
G Chen, RK Meentemeyer
Remote Sensing for Sustainability, 145-162, 2016
Spatiotemporal patterns of tropical deforestation and forest degradation in response to the operation of the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam in the Amazon basin
G Chen, RP Powers, LMT de Carvalho, B Mora
Applied Geography 63, 1-8, 2015
Terrestrial lidar remote sensing of forests: Maximum likelihood estimates of canopy profile, leaf area index, and leaf angle distribution
K Zhao, M García, S Liu, Q Guo, G Chen, X Zhang, Y Zhou, X Meng
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 209, 100-113, 2015
Effects of LiDAR point density and landscape context on estimates of urban forest biomass
KK Singh, G Chen, JB McCarter, RK Meentemeyer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 101, 310-322, 2015
A GEOBIA framework to estimate forest parameters from lidar transects, Quickbird imagery and machine learning: A case study in Quebec, Canada
G Chen, GJ Hay, B St-Onge
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 15, 28-37, 2012
Multiscale object-based drought monitoring and comparison in rainfed and irrigated agriculture from Landsat 8 OLI imagery
E Ozelkan, G Chen, BB Ustundag
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 44 …, 2016
How wetland type and area differ through scale: A GEOBIA case study in Alberta's Boreal Plains
RP Powers, GJ Hay, G Chen
Remote Sensing of Environment 117, 135-145, 2012
Improving Pixel-Based Change Detection Accuracy Using an Object-Based Approach in Multitemporal SAR Flood Images
J Lu, J Li, G Chen, L Zhao, B Xiong, G Kuang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
A multiscale geographic object-based image analysis to estimate lidar-measured forest canopy height using Quickbird imagery
G Chen, GJ Hay, G Castilla, B St-Onge, R Powers
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 25 (6), 877-893, 2011
Integrating multi-sensor remote sensing and species distribution modeling to map the spread of emerging forest disease and tree mortality
Y He, G Chen, C Potter, RK Meentemeyer
Remote Sensing of Environment 231, 111238, 2019
Assessment of the image misregistration effects on object-based change detection
G Chen, K Zhao, R Powers
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 87, 19-27, 2014
A support vector regression approach to estimate forest biophysical parameters at the object level using airborne lidar transects and quickbird data
G Chen, GJ Hay
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 77 (7), 733-741, 2011
The impact of urban residential development patterns on forest carbon density: An integration of LiDAR, aerial photography and field mensuration
C Godwin, G Chen, KK Singh
Landscape and Urban Planning 136, 97-109, 2015
Geospatial technologies to improve urban energy efficiency
GJ Hay, C Kyle, B Hemachandran, G Chen, MM Rahman, TS Fung, ...
Remote Sensing 3 (7), 1380-1405, 2011
Mapping fine-scale human disturbances in a working landscape with Landsat time series on Google Earth Engine
T Hu, EM Toman, G Chen, G Shao, Y Zhou, Y Li, K Zhao, Y Feng
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 176, 250-261, 2021
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