Dr. Parul Verma
Dr. Parul Verma
Asst. Professor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Long short term memory (LSTM) model for sentiment analysis in social data for e-commerce products reviews in Hindi languages
V Yadav, P Verma, V Katiyar
International Journal of Information Technology 15 (2), 759-772, 2023
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for EDGE computing
R Pandey, SK Khatri, NK Singh, P Verma
Academic Press, 2022
Comparative analysis of Lexicon and machine learning approach for sentiment analysis
R Srivastava, PK Bharti, P Verma
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 13 (3 …, 2022
Bringing edge computing into IoT architecture to improve IoT network performance
U Kumar, P Verma, SQ Abbas
2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2021
E-commerce product reviews using aspect based Hindi sentiment analysis
V Yadav, P Verma, V Katiyar
2021 international conference on computer communication and informatics …, 2021
Smart healthcare applications and real-time analytics through edge computing
P Verma, S Fatima
Internet of things use cases for the healthcare industry, 241-270, 2020
Word Embeddings and Its Application in Deep Learning
PVB Khandelwal
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 0
Analyzing ontology editing tools for effective semantic information retrieval
N Rastogi, P Verma, P Kumar
Int. J. Eng. Sci. Res. Technol 6 (5), 40-47, 2017
Performance comparison of word sense disambiguation (wsd) algorithm on hindi language supporting search engines
P Rastogi, SK Dwivedi
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (2), 375, 2011
Critical analysis of WSD algorithms
SK Dwivedi, P Rastogi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing …, 2009
An entropy based method for removing Web query ambiguity in Hindi language
SK Dwivedi, P Rastogi
Journal of Computer Science 4 (9), 762, 2008
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Performance Metrics using Real Estate Ontology
N Rastogi, P Verma, P Kumar
IEEE Xplore , 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and …, 2020
Cross language information retrieval: In indian language perspective
P Bajpai, P Verma
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 3, 46-52, 2014
Enhancing sentiment analysis in Hindi for E-commerce companies: a CNN-LSTM approach with CBoW and TF-IDF word embedding models
V Yadav, P Verma, V Katiyar
International Journal of Information Technology, 1-16, 2023
Univpeopleprogram ontology: A OWL based structural definition for semantic web
R Pandey, SK Dwivedi, P Verma
2013 IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 770-775, 2013
A review on multipolarity in sentiment analysis
R Srivastava, PK Bharti, P Verma
Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS …, 2022
Challenges: wearable computing for internet of things
P Verma, R Rajnish, S Fatima
Int J Sci Res, 2017
English-Hindi Cross Language Information Retrieval System: Query Perspective
DSQA Pratibha Bajpai, Dr. Parul Verma
Journal of Computer Science 14 (5), 705-713, 0
Two Level Disambiguation Model for Query Translation
DSQA Pratibha Bajpai, Dr. Parul Verma
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (5), 3923-3932, 0
Query expansion based on word embeddings and ontologies for efficient information retrieval
N Rastogi, P Verma, P Kumar
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (11), 2021
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