Chungen Xu
Chungen Xu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Hardening database padding for searchable encryption
L Xu, X Yuan, C Wang, Q Wang, C Xu
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2503-2511, 2019
Multi-writer searchable encryption: An LWE-based realization and implementation
L Xu, X Yuan, R Steinfeld, C Wang, C Xu
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia conference on computer and communications …, 2019
Building a dynamic searchable encrypted medical database for multi-client
L Xu, C Xu, JK Liu, C Zuo, P Zhang
Information Sciences 527, 394-405, 2020
Enabling authorized encrypted search for multi-authority medical databases
L Xu, S Sun, X Yuan, JK Liu, C Zuo, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (1), 534-546, 2019
The public key encryption to improve the security on wireless sensor networks
C Xu, Y Ge
2009 Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science 1 …, 2009
Security of cloud storage system using various cryptographic techniques
A Hussain, C Xu, M Ali
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology-IJMTT 60, 2018
Enabling comparable search over encrypted data for IoT with privacy-preserving
L Xu, C Xu, Z Liu, Y Wang, J Wang
Computers, Materials & Continua 60 (2), 675-690, 2019
Cyclic codes over R= Fp+ uFp+⋯+ uk− 1Fp with length psn
M Han, Y Ye, S Zhu, C Xu, B Dou
Information Sciences 181 (4), 926-934, 2011
Towards efficient cryptographic data validation service in edge computing
L Xu, X Yuan, Z Zhou, C Wang, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 (1), 656-669, 2021
Authorized attribute-based encryption multi-keywords search with policy updating
M Ali, C Xu, A Hussain
J. New Media 2 (1), 31-43, 2020
Reverse iterative image encryption scheme using 8-layer cellular automata
X Zhang, H Zhang, C Xu
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 10 (7), 3397-3413, 2016
The model and algorithm to estimate the difficulty levels of Sudoku puzzles
C Xu, W Xu
J. Math. Res 11 (2), 43-46, 2009
Verifiable identity-based encryption with keyword search for IoT from lattice
L Mei, C Xu, L Xu, X Yu, C Zuo
Computers, Materials and Continua 68 (2), 2299-2314, 2021
Searchable encryption with access control on keywords in multi-user setting
L Li, C Xu, X Yu, B Dou, C Zuo
Journal of Cybersecurity 2 (1), 9, 2020
Constraint specification for object model of access control based on role
Y Han, X Chun-Gen, Z Gong-Xuan, L Feng-Yu
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 25 (2), 60-63, 2000
Forward secure searchable encryption with conjunctive-keyword supporting multi-user
Z Liu, C Xu, Z Yao
International Conference on Security and Privacy in New Computing …, 2020
Study of the spatial distribution of burning particles in a pyrotechnic flame based on particle velocity
CG Zhu, C Xu, R Xue
Journal of Energetic Materials 32 (4), 252-263, 2014
TCA-PEKS: Trusted certificateless authentication public-key encryption with keyword search scheme in cloud storage
M Han, P Xu, L Xu, C Xu
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 16 (1), 156-169, 2023
IoT services: realizing private real-time detection via authenticated conjunctive searchable encryption
C Xu, M Lin, J Cheng, Y Zhao, C Zuo
Journal of Cybersecurity 3 (1), 55, 2021
Identity-based sequential aggregate signature from RSA
B Dou, H Zhang, C Xu, M Han
2009 Fourth ChinaGrid Annual Conference, 123-127, 2009
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