Maria Carmen Verga
Maria Carmen Verga
Primary Care Pediatrics, ASL Salerno, Salerno, Italy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Specific oral tolerance induction with raw hen's egg in children with very severe egg allergy: A randomized controlled trial.
SMS Iride Dello Iacono, Salvatore Tripodi, Mauro Calvani, Valentina Panetta ...
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 9, 2012
Prevention of recurrent respiratory infections: Inter-society Consensus
E Chiappini, F Santamaria, GL Marseglia, P Marchisio, L Galli, R Cutrera, ...
Italian journal of pediatrics 47, 1-17, 2021
Endotypes of pollen‐food syndrome in children with seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: a molecular classification
C Mastrorilli, S Tripodi, C Caffarelli, S Perna, A Di Rienzo‐Businco, I Sfika, ...
Allergy 71 (8), 1181-1191, 2016
Specific IgE and skin prick tests to diagnose allergy to fresh and baked cow’s milk according to age: a systematic review
B Cuomo, GC Indirli, A Bianchi, S Arasi, D Caimmi, A Dondi, S La Grutta, ...
Italian journal of pediatrics 43, 1-10, 2017
Air pollution and carotid arterial stiffness in children
A Iannuzzi, MC Verga, M Renis, A Schiavo, V Salvatore, C Santoriello, ...
Cardiology in the Young 20 (2), 186-190, 2010
Diagnostic relevance of IgE sensitization profiles to eight recombinant Phleum pratense molecules
F Cipriani, C Mastrorilli, S Tripodi, G Ricci, S Perna, V Panetta, R Asero, ...
Allergy 73 (3), 673-682, 2018
Is it possible to make a diagnosis of raw, heated, and baked egg allergy in children using cutoffs? A systematic review
M Calvani, S Arasi, A Bianchi, D Caimmi, B Cuomo, A Dondi, GC Indirli, ...
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 26 (6), 509-521, 2015
Pruritus in pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis: a multidisciplinary approach-summary document from an Italian expert group
M El Hachem, G Di Mauro, R Rotunno, S Giancristoforo, C De Ranieri, ...
Italian journal of pediatrics 46, 1-9, 2020
Screening of metabolic syndrome in obese children: a primary care concern
D Viggiano, G De Filippo, D Rendina, A Fasolino, N D'Alessio, N Avellino, ...
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 49 (3), 329-334, 2009
Do vegetarian diets provide adequate nutrient intake during complementary feeding? A systematic review
G Simeone, M Bergamini, MC Verga, B Cuomo, G D’Antonio, ID Iacono, ...
Nutrients 14 (17), 3591, 2022
Prevention of food and airway allergy: consensus of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Paediatrics, the Italian Society of Paediatric Allergy and Immunology, and …
G Di Mauro, R Bernardini, S Barberi, A Capuano, A Correra, ...
World Allergy Organization Journal 9, 1-27, 2016
C-Reactive Protein and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing
FP Arcangelo Iannuzzi, Maria Rosaria Licenziati, Fausto De Michele, Maria ...
Journal of clinical sleep medicine 9 (5), 493-498, 2013
Red Flags for early referral of people with symptoms suggestive of narcolepsy: a report from a national multidisciplinary panel
L Vignatelli, E Antelmi, I Ceretelli, M Bellini, C Carta, P Cortelli, ...
Neurological Sciences 40, 447-456, 2019
Complementary Feeding and Iron Status: “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” Infants
VL Miniello, MC Verga, A Miniello, C Di Mauro, L Diaferio, R Francavilla
Nutrients 13 (12), 4201, 2021
Complementary feeding caregivers’ practices and growth, risk of overweight/obesity, and other non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis
M Bergamini, G Simeone, MC Verga, M Doria, B Cuomo, G D’Antonio, ...
Nutrients 14 (13), 2646, 2022
May failure to thrive in infants be a clinical marker for the early diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy?
L Diaferio, D Caimmi, MC Verga, V Palladino, L Trovè, P Giordano, ...
Nutrients 12 (2), 466, 2020
Yogurt is tolerated by the majority of children with IgE-mediated cow's milk allergy
S Monaco, G Russo, A Romano, L Liotti, MC Verga, SM Sopo
Allergologia et immunopathologia 47 (4), 322-327, 2019
Acute pharyngitis in children and adults: descriptive comparison of current recommendations from national and international guidelines and future perspectives
R Pellegrino, E Timitilli, MC Verga, A Guarino, ID Iacono, I Scotese, ...
European Journal of Pediatrics 182 (12), 5259-5273, 2023
Recommendations on Complementary Feeding as a Tool for Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)—Paper Co-Drafted by the SIPPS, FIMP, SIDOHaD, and SINUPE Joint Working Group
M Caroli, A Vania, MC Verga, G Di Mauro, M Bergamini, B Cuomo, ...
Nutrients 14 (2), 257, 2022
Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases
M Duse, F Santamaria, MC Verga, M Bergamini, G Simeone, L Leonardi, ...
Italian Journal of Pediatrics 47 (1), 97, 2021
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