Johan Lindström
Johan Lindström
Associate Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach
F Lindgren, H Rue, J Lindström
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2011
A unified spatiotemporal modeling approach for predicting concentrations of multiple air pollutants in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis and air pollution
JP Keller, C Olives, SY Kim, L Sheppard, PD Sampson, AA Szpiro, ...
Environmental health perspectives 123 (4), 301-309, 2015
Comparing universal kriging and land-use regression for predicting concentrations of gaseous oxides of nitrogen (NOx) for the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air …
LD Mercer, AA Szpiro, L Sheppard, J Lindström, SD Adar, RW Allen, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (26), 4412-4420, 2011
Pragmatic estimation of a spatio-temporal air quality model with irregular monitoring data
PD Sampson, AA Szpiro, L Sheppard, J Lindström, JD Kaufman
Atmospheric Environment 45 (36), 6593-6606, 2011
A flexible spatio-temporal model for air pollution with spatial and spatio-temporal covariates
J Lindström, AA Szpiro, PD Sampson, AP Oron, M Richards, TV Larson, ...
Environmental and ecological statistics 21, 411-433, 2014
Towards operational remote sensing of forest carbon balance across Northern Europe
P Olofsson, F Lagergren, A Lindroth, J Lindström, L Klemedtsson, ...
Biogeosciences 5 (3), 817-832, 2008
Near real-time monitoring of insect induced defoliation in subalpine birch forests with MODIS derived NDVI
PO Olsson, J Lindström, L Eklundh
Remote Sensing of Environment 181, 42-53, 2016
New satellite-based estimates show significant trends in spring phenology and complex sensitivities to temperature and precipitation at northern European latitudes
H Jin, AM Jönsson, C Olsson, J Lindström, P Jönsson, L Eklundh
International Journal of Biometeorology 63, 763-775, 2019
Analyzing the image warp forecast verification method on precipitation fields from the ICP
E Gilleland, J Lindström, F Lindgren
Weather and Forecasting 25 (4), 1249-1262, 2010
GCM characteristics explain the majority of uncertainty in projected 21st century terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance
A Ahlström, B Smith, J Lindström, M Rummukainen, CB Uvo
Biogeosciences 10 (3), 1517-1528, 2013
Creating spatially continuous maps of past land cover from point estimates: A new statistical approach applied to pollen data
B Pirzamanbein, J Lindström, A Poska, S Sugita, AK Trondman, R Fyfe, ...
Ecological Complexity 20, 127-141, 2014
Performance of tree phenology models along a bioclimatic gradient in Sweden
C Olsson, K Bolmgren, J Lindström, AM Jönsson
Ecological Modelling 266, 103-117, 2013
Spatiotemporal: An r package for spatio-temporal modelling of air-pollution
J Lindström, A Szpiro, PD Sampson, S Bergen, L Sheppard
J stat softw (in press)(http://cran. rproject. org/web/packages …, 2013
Fast estimation of spatially dependent temporal vegetation trends using Gaussian Markov random fields
D Bolin, J Lindström, L Eklundh, F Lindgren
Computational statistics & data analysis 53 (8), 2885-2896, 2009
Mid-Holocene European climate revisited: New high-resolution regional climate model simulations using pollen-based land-cover
G Strandberg, J Lindström, A Poska, Q Zhang, R Fyfe, E Githumbi, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 281, 107431, 2022
Modelling spatial compositional data: Reconstructions of past land cover and uncertainties
B Pirzamanbein, J Lindström, A Poska, MJ Gaillard
Spatial statistics 24, 14-31, 2018
An explicit link between gaussian fields and gaussian markov random fields; the spde approach
F Lindgren, J Lindström, H Rue
[Publisher information missing], 2010
A flexible spatio-temporal model for air pollution: Allowing for spatio-temporal covariates
J Lindstrom, AA Szpiro, PD Sampson, L Sheppard, A Oron, M Richards, ...
bepress, 2011
SpatioTemporal: spatio-temporal model estimation
J Lindstrom, A Szpiro, PD Sampson, S Bergen, AP Oron
R package version 1 (7), 2013
Iterative importance sampling with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in robust Bayesian analysis
IR Cruz, J Lindström, MCM Troffaes, U Sahlin
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 176, 107558, 2022
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