Bernard Bingen
Bernard Bingen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Orogen styles in the East African Orogen: A review of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian tectonic evolution
H Fritz, M Abdelsalam, KA Ali, B Bingen, AS Collins, AR Fowler, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 86, 65-106, 2013
The East European Craton (Baltica) before and during the assembly of Rodinia
SV Bogdanova, B Bingen, R Gorbatschev, TN Kheraskova, VI Kozlov, ...
Precambrian Research 160 (1-2), 23-45, 2008
A four-phase model for the Sveconorwegian orogeny, SW Scandinavia.
B Bingen, Ø Nordgulen, G Viola
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 88 (1), 2008
Ilmenite as a source for zirconium during high-grade metamorphism? Textural evidence from the Caledonides of Western Norway and implications for zircon geochronology
B Bingen, H AUSTRHEIM, M Whitehouse
Journal of Petrology 42 (2), 355-375, 2001
Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Malani Igneous Suite, Northwest India: Implications for the configuration of Rodinia and the assembly of Gondwana
LC Gregory, JG Meert, B Bingen, MK Pandit, TH Torsvik
Precambrian Research 170 (1-2), 13-26, 2009
Redistribution of rare earth elements, thorium, and uranium over accessory minerals in the course of amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism: the role of apatite and …
B Bingen, D Demaiffe, J Hertogen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (8), 1341-1354, 1996
Timing of continental building in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Scandinavia.
B Bingen, Ø Skår, M Marker, EMO Sigmond, Ø Nordgulen, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 85, 2005
U-Pb monazite ages in amphibolite-to granulite-facies orthogneiss reflect hydrous mineral breakdown reactions: Sveconorwegian Province of SW Norway
B Bingen, O Van Breemen
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 132 (4), 336-353, 1998
Trace element signature and U–Pb geochronology of eclogite-facies zircon, Bergen Arcs, Caledonides of W Norway
B Bingen, H Austrheim, MJ Whitehouse, WJ Davis
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 147, 671-683, 2004
The 616 Ma old Egersund basaltic dike swarm, SW Norway, and Late Neoproterozoic opening of the Iapetus Ocean
B Bingen, D Demaiffe, OV Breemen
The Journal of Geology 106 (5), 565-574, 1998
Geochronology of the Precambrian crust in the Mozambique belt in NE Mozambique, and implications for Gondwana assembly
B Bingen, J Jacobs, G Viola, IHC Henderson, Ø Skår, R Boyd, RJ Thomas, ...
Precambrian Research 170 (3-4), 231-255, 2009
Low-temperature alteration of monazite: Fluid mediated coupled dissolution–precipitation, irradiation damage, and disturbance of the U–Pb and Th–Pb chronometers
AM Seydoux-Guillaume, JM Montel, B Bingen, V Bosse, P de Parseval, ...
Chemical Geology 330, 140-158, 2012
The Mesoproterozoic in the Nordic countries
B Bingen, J Andersson, U Soderlund, C Moller
Episodes 31 (1), 29, 2008
Zircon U-Pb geochronology in the Bergen arc eclogites and their Proterozoic protoliths, and implications for the pre-Scandian evolution of the Caledonides in western Norway
B Bingen, WJ Davis, H Austrheim
Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (5), 640-649, 2001
Timing of Late Neoproterozoic glaciation on Baltica constrained by detrital zircon geochronology in the Hedmark Group, south‐east Norway
B Bingen, WL Griffin, TH Torsvik, A Saeed
Terra Nova 17 (3), 250-258, 2005
Correlation of supracrustal sequences and origin of terranes in the Sveconorwegian orogen of SW Scandinavia: SIMS data on zircon in clastic metasediments
B Bingen, A Birkeland, Ø Nordgulen, EMO Sigmond
Precambrian Research 108 (3-4), 293-318, 2001
Precise eclogitization ages deduced from Rb/Sr mineral systematics: the Maksyutov complex, Southern Urals, Russia
J Glodny, B Bingen, H Austrheim, JF Molina, A Rusin
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (7), 1221-1235, 2002
Molybdenite Re–Os dating of biotite dehydration melting in the Rogaland high-temperature granulites, S Norway
B Bingen, H Stein
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 208 (3-4), 181-195, 2003
Geochronology of magmatism in the Caledonian and Sveconorwegian belts of Baltica: synopsis for detrital zircon provenance studies.
B Bingen, A Solli
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 89 (4), 2009
Geochronology of high-grade metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian belt, S. Norway: U-Pb, Th-Pb and Re-Os data.
B Bingen, WJ Davis, MA Hamilton, AK Engvik, HJ Stein, Ø Skår, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 88 (1), 2008
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