Ivan Russo
Ivan Russo
Full Professor of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, University of Verona (Italy)
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Marketing a new generation of bio-plastics products for a circular economy: The role of green self-identity, self-congruity, and perceived value
I Confente, D Scarpi, I Russo
Journal of Business Research 112, 431-439, 2020
Creating value through returns management: Exploring the marketing–operations interface
DA Mollenkopf, R Frankel, I Russo
Journal of Operations Management 29 (5), 391-403, 2011
The returns management process in supply chain strategy
D Mollenkopf, I Russo, R Frankel
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 37 (7 …, 2007
A proactive model in sustainable food supply chain: Insight from a case study
F Sgarbossa, I Russo
International Journal of Production Economics 183, 596-606, 2017
Supply chain management for circular economy: conceptual framework and research agenda
BT Hazen, I Russo, I Confente, D Pellathy
International Journal of Logistics Management, The 32 (2), 510-537, 2021
To be or not to be (loyal): is there a recipe for customer loyalty in the B2B context?
I Russo, I Confente, DM Gligor, CW Autry
Journal of business research 69 (2), 888-896, 2016
An urban biorefinery for food waste and biological sludge conversion into polyhydroxyalkanoates and biogas
G Moretto, I Russo, D Bolzonella, P Pavan, M Majone, F Valentino
Water Research 170, 115371, 2020
From trash to treasure: The impact of consumer perception of bio-waste products in closed-loop supply chains
I Russo, I Confente, D Scarpi, BT Hazen
Journal of Cleaner Production 218, 966-974, 2019
Achieving customer engagement with social media: A qualitative comparative analysis approach
D Gligor, S Bozkurt, I Russo
Journal of Business Research 101, 59-69, 2019
Utilizing blockchain technology for supply chain transparency: A resource orchestration perspective
DM Gligor, B Davis‐Sramek, A Tan, A Vitale, I Russo, I Golgeci, X Wan
Journal of Business Logistics 43 (1), 140-159, 2022
The triple-a supply chain and strategic resources: developing competitive advantage
D Gligor, J Feizabadi, I Russo, MJ Maloni, TJ Goldsby
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 50 (2 …, 2020
A look into the past and future: theories within supply chain management, marketing and management
D Gligor, S Bozkurt, I Russo, A Omar
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 24 (1), 170-186, 2019
Logistics service quality and customer satisfaction in B2B relationships: a qualitative comparative analysis approach
B Gaudenzi, I Confente, I Russo
The TQM Journal 33 (1), 125-140, 2020
The combined effect of product returns experience and switching costs on B2B customer re-purchase intent
I Russo, I Confente, DM Gligor, N Cobelli
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (5), 664-676, 2017
A roadmap for applying qualitative comparative analysis in supply chain research: The reverse supply chain case
I Russo, I Confente, D Gligor, N Cobelli
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 49 (1 …, 2019
Individual antecedents to consumer intention to switch to food waste bioplastic products: A configuration analysis
D Scarpi, I Russo, I Confente, B Hazen
Industrial Marketing Management 93, 578-590, 2021
From dataset to qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)—Challenges and tricky points: A research note on contrarian case analysis and data calibration
I Russo, I Confente
Australasian marketing journal 27 (2), 129-135, 2019
Product Returns and Customer Value: A Footware Industry Case
I Russo, S Cardinali
Modelling Value, 79-97, 2012
The role of servitization for small firms: drivers versus barriers
I Confente, A Buratti, I Russo
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2015
Customer loyalty and supply chain management: Business-to-business customer loyalty analysis
I Russo, I Confente
Routledge, 2017
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