Elizabeth Balgord
Elizabeth Balgord
Professor of Geosciences, Weber State University
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Tectono-stratigraphic framework of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian strata, west-central US: Protracted rifting, glaciation, and evolution of the North American Cordilleran margin
WA Yonkee, CD Dehler, PK Link, EA Balgord, JA Keeley, DS Hayes, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 136, 59-95, 2014
Basin evolution of Upper Cretaceous–Lower Cenozoic strata in the Malargüe fold‐and‐thrust belt: northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina
EA Balgord, B Carrapa
Basin Research 28 (2), 183-206, 2016
Cretaceous evolution of the Andean margin between 36° S and 40° S latitude through a multi‐proxy provenance analysis of Neuquén Basin strata (Argentina)
A Di Giulio, A Ronchi, A Sanfilippo, EA Balgord, B Carrapa, VA Ramos
Basin Research 29 (3), 284-304, 2017
Revised exhumation history of the Wind River Range, WY, and implications for Laramide tectonics
AL Stevens, EA Balgord, B Carrapa
Tectonics 35 (5), 1121-1136, 2016
Stratigraphic, geochronologic, and geochemical record of the Cryogenian Perry Canyon Formation, northern Utah: Implications for Rodinia rifting and snowball Earth glaciation
EA Balgord, WA Yonkee, PK Link, CM Fanning
Bulletin 125 (9-10), 1442-1467, 2013
Constraining the timing and provenance of the Neoproterozoic Little Willow and Big Cottonwood Formations, Utah: Expanding the sedimentary record for early rifting of Rodinia
CJ Spencer, CW Hoiland, RA Harris, PK Link, EA Balgord
Precambrian Research 204, 57-65, 2012
Triassic to Neogene evolution of the south-central Andean arc determined by detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf analysis of Neuquén Basin strata, central Argentina (34° S–40° S)
EA Balgord
Lithosphere 9 (3), 453-462, 2017
Strain accumulation and fluid–rock interaction in a naturally deformed diamictite, Willard thrust system, Utah (USA): implications for crustal rheology and strain softening
WA Yonkee, DM Czeck, AC Nachbor, C Barszewski, S Pantone, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 50, 91-118, 2013
Estimates of paleo-crustal thickness at Cerro Aconcagua (Southern Central Andes) from detrital proxy-records: Implications for models of continental arc evolution
B Carrapa, PG DeCelles, MN Ducea, G Jepson, A Osakwe, E Balgord, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585, 117526, 2022
Arc tempos, tectonic styles, and sedimentation patterns during evolution of the North American Cordillera: Constraints from the retroarc detrital zircon archive
EA Balgord, WA Yonkee, ML Wells, A Gentry, AK Laskowski
Earth-Science Reviews 216, 103557, 2021
Resolving the history of early fault slip and foreland basin evolution along the Wyoming salient of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt: Integrating detrital zircon geochronology …
A Gentry, WA Yonkee, ML Wells, EA Balgord
Controls on deposition of the Tordillo formation in southern Mendoza (34°–36° S): Implications for the Kimmeridgian tectonic setting of the Neuquén Basin
JF Mescua, J Suriano, LJ Schencman, LB Giambiagi, P Sruoga, ...
Opening and closure of the Neuquén Basin in the southern Andes, 127-157, 2020
Triassic to Neogene evolution of the Andean retroarc: Neuquén basin, Argentina
EA Balgord
The University of Arizona, 2016
Detrital Zircon Evidence Requires Revision of Belt Stratigraphy in Southwest Montana.
EA Balgord, MM Forgette, CI MacLaurin
Evolution of the Manatiales Basin, San Juan, Argentina: constraining Miocene orogenic patterns in the South-Central Andes
M Mazzitelli, B Mahoney, E Balgord, L Giambiagi, D Kimbrough, ...
GSA Meet 47 (7), 151, 2015
Quartzite of Argenta, Beaverhead County, Montana, revisited: Definitive evidence of Precambrian age indicates edge of Belt Basin
JW Sears, PK Link, EA Balgord, JB Mahoney
Northwest Geology 39, 41-48, 2010
Stratigraphic, geochronologic and geochemical analysis of the Neoproterozoic Perry Canyon Formation, northern Utah: implications for Rodinian rifting and Snowball Earth
EA Balgord
Idaho State University, 2011
Stratigraphy and provenance analysis of Rodinian rift related units in northern Utah
EA Balgord, A Yonkee, PK Link
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (5), 516, 2011
U-Pb and Hf-isotopic analysis of zircons from the Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian) formation of Perry Canyon, northern Utah
E Balgord, PK Link, CM Fanning
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42 (5), 516, 2010
Corrigendum to" Estimates of paleo-crustal thickness at Cerro Aconcagua (Southern Central Andes) from detrital proxy-records: Implications for models of continental arc …
B Carrapa, PG DeCelles, MN Ducea, G Jepson, A Osakwe, E Balgord, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 592, 117635, 2022
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