Michael H. Hecht
Michael H. Hecht
Associate Director for Research Management, MIT Haystack Observatory
Patvirtintas el. paštas
First M87 event horizon telescope results. IV. Imaging the central supermassive black hole
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L4, 2019
First M87 event horizon telescope results. VI. The shadow and mass of the central black hole
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L6, 2019
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope results. I. The shadow of the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L12, 2022
First M87 event horizon telescope results. V. Physical origin of the asymmetric ring
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L5, 2019
Detection of perchlorate and the soluble chemistry of martian soil at the Phoenix lander site
MH Hecht, SP Kounaves, RC Quinn, SJ West, SMM Young, DW Ming, ...
Science 325 (5936), 64-67, 2009
First M87 event horizon telescope results. II. Array and instrumentation
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L2, 2019
First M87 event horizon telescope results. III. Data processing and calibration
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, K Asada, R Azulay, AK Baczko, D Ball, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 875 (1), L3, 2019
H2O at the Phoenix Landing Site
PH Smith, LK Tamppari, RE Arvidson, D Bass, D Blaney, WV Boynton, ...
Science 325 (5936), 58-61, 2009
First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. VI. Testing the black hole metric
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L17, 2022
First M87 event horizon telescope results. VII. Polarization of the ring
K Akiyama, JC Algaba, A Alberdi, W Alef, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910 (1), L12, 2021
First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. III. Imaging of the galactic center supermassive black hole
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L14, 2022
Evidence for calcium carbonate at the Mars Phoenix landing site
WV Boynton, DW Ming, SP Kounaves, SMM Young, RE Arvidson, ...
Science 325 (5936), 61-64, 2009
Metastability of liquid water on Mars
MH Hecht
Icarus 156 (2), 373-386, 2002
The localization and crystallographic dependence of Si suboxide species at the SiO2/Si interface
PJ Grunthaner, MH Hecht, FJ Grunthaner, NM Johnson
Journal of applied physics 61 (2), 629-638, 1987
Atmospheric origins of perchlorate on Mars and in the Atacama
DC Catling, MW Claire, KJ Zahnle, RC Quinn, BC Clark, MH Hecht, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 115 (E1), 2010
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope results. IV. Variability, morphology, and black hole mass
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L15, 2022
First M87 event horizon telescope results. VIII. Magnetic field structure near the event horizon
K Akiyama, JC Algaba, A Alberdi, W Alef, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910 (1), L13, 2021
The event horizon general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code comparison project
O Porth, K Chatterjee, R Narayan, CF Gammie, Y Mizuno, P Anninos, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243 (2), 26, 2019
Role of photocurrent in low-temperature photoemission studies of Schottky-barrier formation
MH Hecht
Physical Review B 41 (11), 7918, 1990
Evidence that the reactivity of the martian soil is due to superoxide ions
AS Yen, SS Kim, MH Hecht, MS Frant, B Murray
Science 289 (5486), 1909-1912, 2000
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