Yucel Altunbasak
Yucel Altunbasak
Nežinomas ryšys
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A histogram modification framework and its application for image contrast enhancement
T Arici, S Dikbas, Y Altunbasak
IEEE Transactions on image processing 18 (9), 1921-1935, 2009
Color plane interpolation using alternating projections
BK Gunturk, Y Altunbasak, RM Mersereau
IEEE transactions on image processing 11 (9), 997-1013, 2002
Demosaicking: color filter array interpolation
BK Gunturk, J Glotzbach, Y Altunbasak, RW Schafer, RM Mersereau
IEEE Signal processing magazine 22 (1), 44-54, 2005
Eigenface-domain super-resolution for face recognition
BK Gunturk, AU Batur, Y Altunbasak, MH Hayes, RM Mersereau
IEEE transactions on image processing 12 (5), 597-606, 2003
Super-resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral images
T Akgun, Y Altunbasak, RM Mersereau
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 14 (11), 1860-1875, 2005
Frame bit allocation for the H. 264/AVC video coder via Cauchy-density-based rate and distortion models
N Kamaci, Y Altunbasak, RM Mersereau
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 15 (8), 994-1006, 2005
Artifact reduction for set theoretic super resolution image reconstruction with edge adaptive constraints and higher-order interpolants
AJ Patti, Y Altunbasak
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10 (1), 179-186, 2001
Antenna selection for multiple-antenna transmission systems: Performance analysis and code construction
I Bahceci, TM Duman, Y Altunbasak
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (10), 2669-2681, 2003
Error-resilient image and video transmission over the Internet using unequal error protection
J Kim, RM Mersereau, Y Altunbasak
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12 (2), 121-131, 2003
Super-resolution still and video reconstruction from MPEG-coded video
Y Altunbasak, AJ Patti, RM Mersereau
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 12 (4), 217-226, 2002
AdaptNet: an adaptive protocol suite for the next-generation wireless Internet
I Akyildiz, Y Altunbasak, F Fekri, R Sivakumar
IEEE Communications Magazine 42 (3), 128-136, 2004
Region-based parametric motion segmentation using color information
Y Altunbasak, PE Eren, AM Tekalp
Graphical models and image processing 60 (1), 13-23, 1998
PINCO: A pipelined in-network compression scheme for data collection in wireless sensor networks
T Arici, B Gedik, Y Altunbasak, L Liu
Proceedings. 12th International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 2003
Adaptive sensing for environment monitoring using wireless sensor networks
T Arici, Y Altunbasak
2004 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Multiscale gradients-based color filter array interpolation
I Pekkucuksen, Y Altunbasak
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (1), 157-165, 2012
Content-based video retrieval and compression: A unified solution
HJ Zhang, JYA Wang, Y Altunbasak
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 1, 13-16, 1997
Performance comparison of the emerging H. 264 video coding standard with the existing standards
N Kamaci, Y Altunbasak
2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME'03. Proceedings …, 2003
A fast parametric motion estimation algorithm with illumination and lens distortion correction
Y Altunbasak, RM Mersereau, AJ Patti
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12 (4), 395-408, 2003
Efficient compression and transport of video over a network
N Jayant, J Monaco, Y Altunbasak, J Hartung, S Krishnamachari, S John, ...
US Patent 7,936,818, 2011
Protein secondary structure prediction for a single-sequence using hidden semi-Markov models
Z Aydin, Y Altunbasak, M Borodovsky
BMC bioinformatics 7, 1-15, 2006
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