Daniela Quezada Martinez
Daniela Quezada Martinez
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Interspecific hybridization for Brassica crop improvement
E Katche, D Quezada-Martinez, EI Katche, P Vasquez-Teuber, AS Mason
Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics 1 (1), 2019
Using wild relatives and related species to build climate resilience in Brassica crops
D Quezada-Martinez, CP Addo Nyarko, SV Schiessl, AS Mason
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134 (6), 1711-1728, 2021
The vernalisation regulator FLOWERING LOCUS C is differentially expressed in biennial and annual Brassica napus
SV Schiessl, D Quezada-Martinez, E Tebartz, RJ Snowdon, L Qian
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14911, 2019
Functional Analysis of the Brassica napus L. Phytoene Synthase (PSY) Gene Family
A Lopez-Emparan, D Quezada-Martinez, M Zuniga-Bustos, V Cifuentes, ...
PLoS One 9 (12), e114878, 2014
Challenges and prospects for a potential allohexaploid Brassica crop
K Zhang, AS Mason, MA Farooq, F Islam, D Quezada-Martinez, D Hu, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134 (9), 2711-2726, 2021
Transcriptomics reveal high regulatory diversity of drought tolerance strategies in a biennial oil crop
SV Schiessl, D Quezada-Martinez, M Orantes-Bonilla, RJ Snowdon
Plant Science 297, 110515, 2020
Fertile allohexaploid Brassica hybrids obtained from crosses between B. oleracea and B. juncea via ovule rescue and colchicine treatment of cuttings
MW Mwathi, M Gupta, D Quezada-Martinez, A Pradhan, J Batley, ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 140, 301-313, 2020
Allele segregation analysis of F1 hybrids between independent Brassica allohexaploid lineages
D Quezada-Martinez, J Zou, W Zhang, J Meng, J Batley, AS Mason
Chromosoma 131 (3), 147-161, 2022
Interspecific hybridization for brassica crop improvement. Crop Breed Genet Genomics 1: e190007
E Katche, D Quezada-Martinez, EI Katche, P Vasquez-Teuber, AS Mason
Genome stability assessment in new diverse Brassica allohexaploid crop types (AABBCC) using molecular karyotyping
DR Quezada Martinez
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2024
Karyotype instability varies by species and genotype combination in allohexaploid Brassica
D Quezada-Martinez, J Batley, AS Mason
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 22.559010, 2023
Allele segregation analysis of F
D Quezada‑Martinez, J Zou, W Zhang, J Meng, J Batley, AS Mason
Room for improvement: transcriptomics reveal high genetic diversity of drought resistance strategies in winter oilseed rape
S Schiessl, M Orantes-Bonilla, D Quezada-Martinez, R Snowdon
The role of genome structure variation in the evolution and adaptation of …, 2019
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