Joaquín Sanz Remón
Joaquín Sanz Remón
Universidad de Zaragoza
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
BCG educates hematopoietic stem cells to generate protective innate immunity against tuberculosis
E Kaufmann, J Sanz, JL Dunn, N Khan, LE Mendonça, A Pacis, F Tzelepis, ...
Cell 172 (1), 176-190. e19, 2018
Genetic ancestry and natural selection drive population differences in immune responses to pathogens
Y Nédélec, J Sanz, G Baharian, ZA Szpiech, A Pacis, A Dumaine, ...
Cell 167 (3), 657-669. e21, 2016
Social status alters immune regulation and response to infection in macaques
N Snyder-Mackler, J Sanz, JN Kohn, JF Brinkworth, S Morrow, AO Shaver, ...
Science 354 (6315), 1041-1045, 2016
Dynamics of interacting diseases
J Sanz, CY Xia, S Meloni, Y Moreno
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041005, 2014
M. tuberculosis reprograms hematopoietic stem cells to limit myelopoiesis and impair trained immunity
N Khan, J Downey, J Sanz, E Kaufmann, B Blankenhaus, A Pacis, ...
Cell 183 (3), 752-770. e22, 2020
Efficient and robust NK-cell transduction with baboon envelope pseudotyped lentivector
ABL Colamartino, W Lemieux, P Bifsha, S Nicoletti, N Chakravarti, J Sanz, ...
Frontiers in immunology 10, 2873, 2019
Effects of delayed recovery and nonuniform transmission on the spreading of diseases in complex networks
C Xia, Z Wang, J Sanz, S Meloni, Y Moreno
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (7), 1577-1585, 2013
Projecting social contact matrices to different demographic structures
S Arregui, A Aleta, J Sanz, Y Moreno
PLoS computational biology 14 (12), e1006638, 2018
Social status alters chromatin accessibility and the gene regulatory response to glucocorticoid stimulation in rhesus macaques
N Snyder-Mackler, J Sanz, JN Kohn, T Voyles, R Pique-Regi, ME Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (4), 1219-1228, 2019
The Transcriptional Regulatory Network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
J Sanz, J Navarro, A Arbues, C Martin, PC Marijuan, Y Moreno
PloS one 6 (7), e22178, 2011
Data-driven model for the assessment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in evolving demographic structures
S Arregui, MJ Iglesias, S Samper, D Marinova, C Martin, J Sanz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14), E3238-E3245, 2018
Primate innate immune responses to bacterial and viral pathogens reveals an evolutionary trade-off between strength and specificity
MBF Hawash, J Sanz-Remón, JC Grenier, J Kohn, V Yotova, Z Johnson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (13), e2015855118, 2021
Natural selection contributed to immunological differences between hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists
GF Harrison, J Sanz, J Boulais, MJ Mina, JC Grenier, Y Leng, A Dumaine, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (8), 1253-1264, 2019
Social history and exposure to pathogen signals modulate social status effects on gene regulation in rhesus macaques
J Sanz, PL Maurizio, N Snyder-Mackler, ND Simons, T Voyles, J Kohn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (38), 23317-23322, 2020
Genetic and evolutionary determinants of human population variation in immune responses
J Sanz, HE Randolph, LB Barreiro
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 53, 28-35, 2018
On the impact of masking and blocking hypotheses for measuring the efficacy of new tuberculosis vaccines
S Arregui, J Sanz, D Marinova, C Martín, Y Moreno
PeerJ 4, e1513, 2016
Spreading of persistent infections in heterogeneous populations
J Sanz, LM Floría, Y Moreno
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (5 …, 2010
Alveolar macrophages from persons living with HIV show impaired epigenetic response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
W Correa-Macedo, VM Fava, M Orlova, P Cassart, R Olivenstein, J Sanz, ...
The Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), 2021
Spotting the old foe—revisiting the case definition for TB
RMGJ Houben, H Esmail, JC Emery, LR Joslyn, CF McQuaid, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 7 (3), 199-201, 2019
Modeling the impact of COVID-19 on future tuberculosis burden
M Tovar, A Aleta, J Sanz, Y Moreno
Communications medicine 2 (1), 77, 2022
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