Nurturing natures: Attachment and children's emotional, sociocultural and brain development G Music Routledge, 2016 | 485 | 2016 |
The good life: Wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality G Music Routledge, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Neglecting neglect: some thoughts about children who have lacked good input, and are ‘undrawn’and ‘unenjoyed’ G Music Journal of child psychotherapy 35 (2), 142-156, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
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Top down and bottom up: Trauma, executive functioning, emotional regulation, the brain and child psychotherapy G Music Journal of Child Psychotherapy 40 (1), 3-19, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Trauma, helpfulness and selfishness: The effect of abuse and neglect on altruistic, moral and pro-social capacities G Music Journal of Child Psychotherapy 37 (2), 113-128, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
How evolutionary thinking can help us to understand ADHD A Swanepoel, G Music, J Launer, MJ Reiss BJPsych Advances 23 (6), 410-418, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
From scapegoating to thinking and finding a home: delivering therapeutic work in schools G Music, B Hall Journal of Child Psychotherapy 34 (1), 43-61, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
What has psychoanalysis got to do with happiness? Reclaiming the positive in psychoanalytic psychotherapy G Music British Journal of Psychotherapy 25 (4), 435-455, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Affect G Music Icon, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |
Bringing up the bodies: Psyche–soma, body awareness and feeling at ease G Music British Journal of Psychotherapy 31 (1), 4-19, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Covid, racism and Black Lives Matter: A deadly constellation G Music Developmental child welfare 2 (3), 197-207, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Can evolutionary thinking shed light on gender diversity? B Wren, J Launer, MJ Reiss, A Swanepoel, G Music BJPsych Advances 25 (6), 351-362, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Surfacing the depths: thoughts on imitation, resonance and growth G Music Journal of child psychotherapy 31 (1), 72-90, 2005 | 19 | 2005 |
Témata psychoanalýzy 1: Nevědomí, afekty a emoce, úzkost, fantazie, hysterie J Borossa, P Mollon, G Music, R Emanuel, J Segal Portál, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
The buzz trap: Speeded-up lives, distractedness, impulsiveness and decreasing empathy G Music Psychodynamic Practice 20 (3), 228-249, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Enhancing the well-being of front-line healthcare professionals in high pressure clinical environments: A mixed-methods evaluative research project A Ooms, C Heaton-Shrestha, S Connor, S McCawley, J McShannon, ... International Journal of Nursing Studies 132, 104257, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
How evolution can help us understand child development and behaviour A Swanepoel, DF Sieff, G Music, J Launer, M Reiss, B Wren BJPsych Advances 22 (1), 36-43, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
Learning our lessons: some issues arising from delivering mental health services in school settings G Music Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 21 (1), 1-19, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
Neuroscience and child psychotherapy G Music The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 65-86, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |