Ludek Bartos
Ludek Bartos
Institute of Animals Science & Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Non‐advertized does not mean concealed: body odour changes across the human menstrual cycle
J Havlíček, R Dvořáková, L Bartoš, J Flegr
Ethology 112 (1), 81-90, 2006
The effect of pre-weaning housing on the play and agonistic behaviour of domestic pigs
H Chaloupková, G Illmann, L Bartoš, M Špinka
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103 (1-2), 25-34, 2007
Diurnal and seasonal behaviour of adult and juvenile European catfish as determined by radio‐telemetry in the River Berounka, Czech Republic
O Slavík, P Horký, L Bartoš, J Kolářová, T Randák
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (1), 101-114, 2007
Comparison between the coat temperature of the eland and dairy cattle by infrared thermography
R Kotrba, I Knížková, P Kunc, L Bartoš
Journal of Thermal Biology 32 (6), 355-359, 2007
Benefits for dominant red deer hinds under a competitive feeding system: food access behavior, diet and nutrient selection
F Ceacero, AJ Garcia, T Landete-Castillejos, J Bartošová, L Bartoš, ...
Plos one 7 (3), e32780, 2012
Dogs discriminate identical twins
L Pinc, L Bartoš, A Reslova, R Kotrba
PLoS One 6 (6), e20704, 2011
Testosterone, but not IGF-1, LH, prolactin or cortisol, may serve as antler-stimulating hormone in red deer stags (Cervus elaphus)
L Bartoš, D Schams, GA Bubenik
Bone 44 (4), 691-698, 2009
Sika deer in continental Europe
L Bartoš
Sika deer: biology and management of native and introduced populations, 573-594, 2009
Testing German shepherd puppies to assess their chances of certification
I Svobodová, P Vápeník, L Pinc, L Bartoš
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 113 (1-3), 139-149, 2008
Hybridization between red and sika deer. I. Craniological analysis
L Bartos
Zool Anz 207, 260-270, 1981
Cortisol and secretory immunoglobulin a response to stress in German shepherd dogs
I Svobodová, H Chaloupková, R Končel, L Bartoš, L Hradecká, L Jebavý
PLoS one 9 (3), e90820, 2014
Antler size and fluctuating asymmetry in red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags and probability of becoming a harem holder in rut
L Bartoš, R Bahbouh
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87 (1), 59-68, 2006
A practical method to prevent dark-cutting (DFD) in beef
L Bartoš, Č Franc, D Řehák
Meat Science 34 (3), 275-282, 1993
Vaginal impedance measurement used for mating in the rat
L Bartoš
Laboratory animals 11 (1), 53-55, 1977
Review of the distribution, status and conservation of musk deer in China
Y Zhou, X Meng, J Feng, Q Yang, Z Feng, L Xia, L Bartos
Folia Zoologica-Praha- 53 (2), 129-140, 2004
High-ranking mares of captive plains zebra Equus burchelli have greater reproductive success than low-ranking mares
J Pluháček, L Bartoš, L Čulík
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 99 (3-4), 315-329, 2006
Allosuckling in cattle: gain or compensation?
J Víchová, L Bartoš
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 94 (3-4), 223-235, 2005
Estimation of the probability of fighting in fallow deer (Dama dama) during the rut
L Bartoš, B Fričová, J Bartošová‐Víchová, J Panama, P Šustr, E Šmídová
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2007
Promiscuous behaviour disrupts pregnancy block in domestic horse mares
L Bartoš, J Bartošová, J Pluháček, J Šindelářová
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 1567-1572, 2011
Male infanticide in captive plains zebra, Equus burchelli
J Pluháček, L Bartoš
Animal Behaviour 59 (4), 689-694, 2000
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