Bhargava Shastry
Bhargava Shastry
Security researcher
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Towards Taming Privilege-Escalation Attacks on Android.
S Bugiel, L Davi, A Dmitrienko, T Fischer, AR Sadeghi, B Shastry
NDSS 17, 19, 2012
Practical and lightweight domain isolation on android
S Bugiel, L Davi, A Dmitrienko, S Heuser, AR Sadeghi, B Shastry
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones …, 2011
Taking control of sdn-based cloud systems via the data plane
K Thimmaraju, B Shastry, T Fiebig, F Hetzelt, JP Seifert, A Feldmann, ...
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research, 1-15, 2018
Static program analysis as a fuzzing aid
B Shastry, M Leutner, T Fiebig, K Thimmaraju, F Yamaguchi, K Rieck, ...
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 20th International Symposium …, 2017
Static exploration of taint-style vulnerabilities found by fuzzing
B Shastry, F Maggi, F Yamaguchi, K Rieck, JP Seifert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.00206, 2017
Static exploration of taint-style vulnerabilities found by fuzzing
B Shastry, F Maggi, F Yamaguchi, K Rieck, JP Seifert
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.00206, 2017
Leveraging Flawed Tutorials for Seeding {Large-Scale} Web Vulnerability Discovery
T Unruh, B Shastry, M Skoruppa, F Maggi, K Rieck, JP Seifert, ...
11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 17), 2017
Poster: the quest for security against privilege escalation attacks on android
S Bugiel, L Davi, A Dmitrienko, T Fischer, AR Sadeghi, B Shastry
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2011
Towards Vulnerability Discovery Using Staged Program Analysis
B Shastry, F Yamaguchi, K Rieck, JP Seifert
13th International Conference, DIMVA 2016, San Sebastián, Spain, July 7-8 …, 2016
The vamp attack: Taking control of cloud systems via the unified packet parser
K Thimmaraju, B Shastry, T Fiebig, F Hetzelt, JP Seifert, A Feldmann, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 on Cloud Computing Security Workshop, 11-15, 2017
A First Look at Firefox OS Security
D DeFreez, B Shastry, H Chen, JP Seifert
Mobile Security Technologies, 2014
What Does the Fox Say? On the Security Architecture of Firefox OS
M Piekarska, B Shastry, R Borgaonkar
2014 Ninth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2014
Taking Control of SDN-based Cloud Systems via the Data Plane
B Shastry, T Fiebig, F Hetzelt, JP Seifert, A Feldmann, S Schmid
Compiler assisted vulnerability assessment
B Shastry
Dissertation, Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, 2018, 2018
DPA Attacks on Certain Cryptographic Primitives on a Common 8-bit Microcontroller
B Shastry, AG Bayrak
Advanced Educational Tools for Modeling, Simulation, Impleme-ntation and Real-Time Testing of Modern Power System Protection Schemes-Particular Reference to Distance Protection
UJ Shenoy, KR Satheesh, BS Kavyashree, BS Shastry
MATLAB Based Evaluation Study of Adaptive Technique and Three Sample Fixed Data Window Algorithm with Particular Reference to development of DSP Based Fast Distance Protection
BS Shastry, UJ Shenoy, K Parthasarathy, HP Khincha
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