Rachid Abdessemed
Rachid Abdessemed
Professeur en électrotechnique
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A loss-minimization DTC scheme for EV induction motors
A Haddoun, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, J Ghouili, K Srairi
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 56 (1), 81-88, 2007
Modeling, analysis, and neural network control of an EV electrical differential
A Haddoun, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, J Ghouili, K Srairi
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 55 (6), 2286-2294, 2008
Sliding mode control of a dual-stator induction generator for wind energy conversion systems
H Amimeur, D Aouzellag, R Abdessemed, K Ghedamsi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 42 (1), 60-70, 2012
Performances analysis of WT-DFIG with PV and fuel cell hybrid power sources system associated with hydrogen storage hybrid energy system
S Tamalouzt, N Benyahia, T Rekioua, D Rekioua, R Abdessemed
International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (45), 21006-21021, 2016
Modélisation des machines électriques
R Abdessemed, M Kadjoudj
Presses de l’université de Batna, Algérie, 1997
A fuzzy self-tuning PI controller for speed control of induction motor drive
L Mokrani, R Abdessemed
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003 …, 2003
Modélisation et simulation des machines électriques: électrotechnique
R Abdessemed
ellipses, 2011
Direct torque control of wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator
S Tamalouzt, K Idjdarene, T Rekioua, R Abdessemed
» Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. –É lectrotechn. et É nerg 61 (3), 244â, 2016
A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of dual-stator induction motor drives
H Amimeur, R Abdessemed, D Aouzellag, E Merabet, F Hamoudi
Journal of Electrical Engineering 10 (3), 7-12, 2010
Comparative analysis of control techniques for efficiency improvement in electric vehicles
A Haddoun, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, J Ghouili, K Srairi
2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 629-634, 2007
Adaptive backstepping speed control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor
S Rebouh, A Kaddouri, R Abdessemed, A Haddoun
2011 International Conference on Management and Service Science, 1-4, 2011
Active and reactive power control of a DFIG for variable speed wind energy conversion
F Mazouz, S Belkacem, Y Harbouche, R Abdessemed, S Ouchen
2017 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), 27-32, 2017
SDTC neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears
A Haddoun, F Khoucha, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, ...
2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 259-266, 2007
Sliding mode control of EV electric differential system
A Haddoun, M Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, J Ghouili, K Srairi
ICEM'06, 6pp, 2006
Design and implementation of an electric differential for traction application
A Haddoun, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed, J Ghouili, K Srairi
2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-6, 2010
Nonlinear control by input-output linearization scheme for EV permanent magnet synchronous motor
S Rebouh, A Kaddouri, R Abdessemed, A Haddoun
2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 185-190, 2007
A fuzzy rotor resistance updating scheme for an IFOC induction motor drive
F Zidani, MS Nait-Said, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo, R Abdessemed
IEEE Power Engineering Review 21 (11), 47-50, 2001
Decoupled active and reactive power control of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)
A Dendouga, R Abdessemed, ML Bendaas, A Chaiba
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-5, 2007
Improvement in DTC-SVM of AC drives using a new robust adaptive control algorithm
S Belkacem, F Naceri, R Abdessemed
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 9, 267-275, 2011
Wind turbine-DFIG/photovoltaic/fuel cell hybrid power sources system associated with hydrogen storage energy for micro-grid applications
S Tamalouzt, N Benyahia, T Rekioua, D Rekioua, R Abdessemed
2015 3rd international renewable and sustainable energy conference (IRSEC), 1-6, 2015
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