serena cattari
serena cattari
Patvirtintas el. paštas
TREMURI program: an equivalent frame model for the nonlinear seismic analysis of masonry buildings
S Lagomarsino, A Penna, A Galasco, S Cattari
Engineering structures 56, 1787-1799, 2013
Modeling strategies for the computational analysis of unreinforced masonry structures: review and classification
AM D’altri, V Sarhosis, G Milani, J Rots, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino, ...
Archives of computational methods in engineering 27, 1153-1185, 2020
PERPETUATE guidelines for seismic performance-based assessment of cultural heritage masonry structures
S Lagomarsino, S Cattari
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 13-47, 2015
Seismic behaviour of ordinary masonry buildings during the 2016 central Italy earthquakes
L Sorrentino, S Cattari, F da Porto, G Magenes, A Penna
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17 (10), 5583-5607, 2019
In‐plane strength of unreinforced masonry piers
C Calderini, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 38 (2), 243-267, 2009
The use of the diagonal compression test to identify the shear mechanical parameters of masonry
C Calderini, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino
Construction and building materials 24 (5), 677-685, 2010
Seismic assessment of interacting structural units in complex historic masonry constructions by nonlinear static analyses
S Degli Abbati, AM D'Altri, D Ottonelli, G Castellazzi, S Cattari, ...
Computers & Structures 213, 51-71, 2019
Acquiring reference parameters of masonry for the structural performance analysis of historical buildings
M Kržan, S Gostič, S Cattari, V Bosiljkov
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 13, 203-236, 2015
The heuristic vulnerability model: fragility curves for masonry buildings
S Lagomarsino, S Cattari, D Ottonelli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19, 3129-3163, 2021
Damage assessment of fortresses after the 2012 Emilia earthquake (Italy)
S Cattari, S Degli Abbati, D Ferretti, S Lagomarsino, D Ottonelli, A Tralli
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12, 2333-2365, 2014
TREMURI program: seismic analyser of 3D masonry buildings
A Galasco, S Lagomarsino, A Penna, S Cattari
University of Genoa, 2002
Fragility functions of masonry buildings
S Lagomarsino, S Cattari
SYNER-G: typology definition and fragility functions for physical elements …, 2013
Numerical simulation of the seismic response and soil–structure interaction for a monitored masonry school building damaged by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake
A Brunelli, F De Silva, A Piro, F Parisi, S Sica, F Silvestri, S Cattari
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (2), 1181-1211, 2021
A strength criterion for the flexural behaviour of spandrels in un-reinforced masonry walls
S Cattari, S Lagomarsino
Proceedings of the 14th world conference on earthquake engineering, 2008
Seismic performance of historical masonry structures through pushover and nonlinear dynamic analyses
S Lagomarsino, S Cattari
Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology: Volume 2 …, 2015
Comparative analysis of the fragility curves for Italian residential masonry and RC buildings
F da Porto, M Donà, A Rosti, M Rota, S Lagomarsino, S Cattari, B Borzi, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (8), 3209-3252, 2021
A hysteretic model for “frontal” walls in Pombalino buildings
H Meireles, R Bento, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 10, 1481-1502, 2012
Masonry Italian code-conforming buildings. Part 2: nonlinear modelling and time-history analysis
S Cattari, D Camilletti, S Lagomarsino, S Bracchi, M Rota, A Penna
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 22 (sup2), 2010-2040, 2018
Nonlinear modeling of the seismic response of masonry structures: critical review and open issues towards engineering practice
S Cattari, B Calderoni, I Caliò, G Camata, S de Miranda, G Magenes, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 20 (4), 1939-1997, 2022
Fragility curves for old masonry building types in Lisbon
A Simões, J Milošević, H Meireles, R Bento, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 3083-3105, 2015
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