zhenyuan zhang
zhenyuan zhang
Chongqing Jiaotong University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Latern: Dynamic continuous hand gesture recognition using FMCW radar sensor
Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (8), 3278-3289, 2018
MRPT: Millimeter-wave radar-based pedestrian trajectory tracking for autonomous urban driving
Z Zhang, X Wang, D Huang, X Fang, M Zhou, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-17, 2021
u-DeepHand: FMCW radar-based unsupervised hand gesture feature learning using deep convolutional auto-encoder network
Z Zhang, Z Tian, Y Zhang, M Zhou, B Wang
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (16), 6811-6821, 2019
Multipath-assisted indoor localization using a single receiver
Z Li, Z Tian, Z Wang, Z Zhang
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (1), 692-705, 2020
Design and analysis of longitudinal controller for the platoon with time-varying delay
D Huang, S Li, Z Zhang, Y Liu, B Mi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (12), 23628-23639, 2022
STIF: a spatial–temporal integrated framework for end-to-end Micro-UAV trajectory tracking and prediction with 4-D MIMO radar
D Huang, Z Zhang, X Fang, M He, H Lai, B Mi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (21), 18821-18836, 2023
Handsense: smart multimodal hand gesture recognition based on deep neural networks
Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-16, 2024
Awareness of line-of-sight propagation for indoor localization using Hopkins statistic
Z Li, Z Tian, M Zhou, Z Zhang, Y Jin
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (9), 3864-3874, 2018
FMCW-MIMO radar-based pedestrian trajectory tracking under low-observable environments
X Fang, J Li, Z Zhang, G Xiao
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (20), 19675-19687, 2022
A whole-home level intrusion detection system using WiFi-enabled IoT
Y Jin, Z Tian, M Zhou, Z Li, Z Zhang
2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing …, 2018
Riddle: Real-time interacting with hand description via millimeter-wave sensor
Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou, W Nie, Z Li
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
WIPP: Wi-Fi compass for indoor passive positioning with decimeter accuracy
Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou, Z Li, Z Wu, Y Jin
Applied Sciences 6 (4), 108, 2016
Incipient fault diagnosis on active disturbance rejection control
D Huang, X Hua, B Mi, Y Liu, Z Zhang
Science China Information Sciences 65 (9), 199202, 2022
Indoor localization and trajectory tracking system based on millimeter-wave radar sensor
X Wang, Z Zhang, N Zhao, Y Zhang, D Huang
2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS …, 2021
E2DTF: An End-to-End Detection and Tracking Framework for Multiple Micro-UAVs With FMCW-MIMO Radar
X Fang, J Zhu, D Huang, Z Zhang, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-16, 2023
Application of FMCW radar for dynamic continuous hand gesture recognition
Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou, Y Liu
11th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications, 298, 2018
Overview of cooperative fault-tolerant control driven by the full information chain of intelligent connected vehicle platoons under the zero-trust framework: Opportunities and …
D Huang, Y Na, Y Liu, Z Zhang, B Mi
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 16 (1), 22-39, 2023
iDT: An integration of detection and tracking toward low-observable multipedestrian for urban autonomous driving
Z Zhang, X Wang, D Huang, X Fang, M Zhou, B Mi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (9), 9887-9897, 2023
Low-cost BD/MEMS tightly-coupled pedestrian navigation algorithm
T Lin, Z Zhang, Z Tian, M Zhou
Micromachines 7 (5), 91, 2016
Dark web traffic detection method based on deep learning
H Ma, J Cao, B Mi, D Huang, Y Liu, Z Zhang
2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS …, 2021
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