Mst Shirajum Munira
Mst Shirajum Munira
Kiti vardaishirajum munira
Senior lecture,Southeast University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Chemical profiles, pharmacological properties, and in silico studies provide new insights on Cycas pectinata
AM Tareq, S Farhad, ABMN Uddin, M Hoque, MS Nasrin, MMR Uddin, ...
Heliyon 6 (6), 2020
Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant activities of methanolic extract of Lawsonia inermis barks in mice
L Nesa, S Munira, S Mollika, M Islam, AU Chouduri, N Naher
Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine 4 (4), 287, 2014
Apoptosis-inducing anti-proliferative and quantitative phytochemical profiling with in silico study of antioxidant-rich Leea aequata L. leaves
MG Mostofa, ASMA Reza, Z Khan, MS Munira, MM Khatoon, SR Kabir, ...
Heliyon 10 (1), 2024
Molecular insight into the crosstalk of UPS components and Alzheimer’s disease
A Al Mamun, MM Rahman, S Zaman, MS Munira, MS Uddin, A Rauf, ...
Current Protein and Peptide Science 21 (12), 1193-1201, 2020
Investigation of the in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Xanthosoma sagittifolium leaf
MS Hossain, M Asaduzzaman, MS Uddin, MAA Noor, MA Rahman, ...
Indo Ame J Pharma Res 5 (10), 3300, 2015
Phytochemical screening and comparative antioxidant activities of fractions isolated from Sonneratia caseolaris (Linn.) Bark Extracts
M Munira, MA Islam, MS Islam, SF Koly, M Nesa, MA Muhit
European Journal of Medicinal Plants 28 (4), 1-9, 2019
Pharmacological activities of Youngia japonica extracts
MS Munira, MH Kabir, IJ Bulbul, L Nesa, A Muhit, I Haque
Annu. Res. Rev. Biol 25, 1-14, 2018
Inquiry of analgesic and antiinflammatory activities of Xanthosoma sagittifolium L.: an effective medicinal plant
MS Hossain, MS Uddin, M Asaduzzaman, M Shirajum Munira, ...
J. Coast. Life Med 5, 22-26, 2017
Phytochemical and pharmacological profiling of Trewia nudiflora Linn. leaf extract deciphers therapeutic potentials against thrombosis, arthritis, helminths, and …
FA Ripa, MJ Hossain, MS Munira, A Roy, FH Riya, F Alam, FB Feda, ...
Open Chemistry 20 (1), 1304-1312, 2022
In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial, cytotoxic and insecticidal activities of hibiscus sabdariffa fruits
M Al-Mamun, H Khatun, ML Nesa, MR Islam, MS Munira
Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal Internation 2 (3), 144-149, 2011
Evaluation of antioxidant, cytotoxic, antibacterial and thrombolytic activity of the methanolic extracts of Ficus racemosa fruits
M Munira, M Uddin, M Islam, K Aktar, A Muhit
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 5 (2), 1-13, 2018
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant activities of the methanolic extract of Abelmoschus esculentus Linn. seed in mice
M Nesa, MM Islam, MB Alam, M Munira, S Mollika, M Naher, MR Islam
British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 4 (7), 849-860, 2014
Central nervous system depressant effects of the methanolic leaves extracts of Tabernaemontana divaricata
MO Faruq, MS Munira, S Zaman, SF Koly, R Salam, SR Das, ...
Int J Med Plants Nat Prod 4, 1-7, 2018
Estimation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and thrombolytic activities of Sonneratiacaseolaris Linn.(Family: Sonneratiaceae)
M Munira, S Islam, N Akther, SF Koly
J Anal Pharm Res 8 (1), 20-23, 2019
In vivo CNS activity of methanolic extract of Ficus racemosa fruits in experimental animals
MS Munira, MS Islam, M Baharuddin, SF Koly
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 21 (2), 139-144, 2018
In vitro Antioxidant and Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of Methanolic Extract of Grewia nervosa L.(Family: Tiliaceae) Leaf
MS Ahammed, MS Islam, MM Rahman, SF Koly, K Rakib, S Zaman, ...
European J Med Plants, 2018
Development and validation of a UV-spectroscopic method for the analysis of black plum in marketed preparations using ethanol as a solvent
SF Koly, MS Munira, S Zaman, S Shahriar, MS Amran, AA Chowdhury
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 15 (1), 157-164, 2022
Pharmacological Screening for CNS Depression, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Potentials of Sonneratia caseolaris (Linn.) Barks in Different Solvent Fraction
MS Munira, SN Ahmed, MS Islam, MS Islam, ML Nesa, MH Kabir, ...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 29 (5), 1-11, 2019
Phytochemical Screening, Determination of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Chassalia curviflora Leaves
S Zaman, MS Munira, SF Koly, S Islam
SEU J. Sci. Eng 15 (1), 2021
Corrigendum to “Chemical profiles, pharmacological properties, and in silico studies provide new insights on Cycas pectinata”[Heliyon 6 (6),(June 2020) Article e04061]
AM Tareq, S Farhad, ABMN Uddin, M Hoque, MS Nasrin, MMR Uddin, ...
Heliyon 6 (7), 2020
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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