Dr. Sumit Gupta
Dr. Sumit Gupta
Assistant Professor, Amity University, Noida
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Healthcare supply chain management: literature review and some issues
B Mathur, S Gupta, ML Meena, GS Dangayach
Journal of Advances in Management Research 15 (3), 265-287, 2018
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model for evaluating sustainable manufacturing practices in Indian electrical panel industries
S Gupta, GS Dangayach, AK Singh, PN Rao
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 189, 208-216, 2015
Towards sustainable copper matrix composites: manufacturing routes with structural, mechanical, electrical and corrosion behaviour
A Jamwal, P Mittal, R Agrawal, S Gupta, D Kumar, KK Sadasivuni, ...
Journal of Composite Materials 54 (19), 2635-2649, 2020
Implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices in Indian manufacturing companies
S Gupta, GS Dangayach, AK Singh, ML Meena, PN Rao
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (7), 2441-2459, 2018
Microstructure, wear and corrosion characteristics of Cu matrix reinforced SiC–graphite hybrid composites
A Jamwal, P Prakash, D Kumar, N Singh, KK Sadasivuni, K Harshit, ...
Journal of Composite Materials 53 (18), 2545-2553, 2019
Key determinants of sustainable product design and manufacturing
S Gupta, GS Dangayach, AK Singh
Procedia CIRP 26, 99-102, 2015
Analysing barriers of sustainable supply chain in apparel & textile sector: A hybrid ISM-MICMAC and DEMATEL approach
A Vishwakarma, GS Dangayach, ML Meena, S Gupta
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5, 100073, 2022
Effect of COVID-19 on the Indian economy and supply chain
S Agrawal, A Jamwal, S Gupta
Preprints, 2020
Assessing the key enablers for Industry 4.0 adoption using MICMAC analysis: a case study
S Krishnan, S Gupta, M Kaliyan, V Kumar, JA Garza-Reyes
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 70 (5 …, 2021
Adoption of blockchain technology enabled healthcare sustainable supply chain to improve healthcare supply chain performance
A Vishwakarma, GS Dangayach, ML Meena, S Gupta, S Luthra
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 34 (4), 1111-1128, 2023
Evaluation of Key Challenges to Industry 4.0 in Indian Context: A DEMATEL Approach
A Aggarwal, S Gupta, MK Ojha
Advances in Industrial and Production Engineering, pp 387-396, 2019
Optimisation of labour productivity using work measurement techniques
R Jain, S Gupta, ML Meena, GS Dangayach
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 19 (4), 485-510, 2016
Acoustic performance of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites: Influencing factors, future scope, challenges, and applications
PP Das, V Chaudhary, F Ahmad, A Manral, S Gupta, P Gupta
Polymer Composites 43 (3), 1221-1237, 2022
Development of a structural model for the adoption of industry 4.0 enabled sustainable operations for operational excellence
S Gupta, B Prathipati, GS Dangayach, PN Rao, S Jagtap
Sustainability 14 (17), 11103, 2022
Recent trends & developments in optimization and modelling of electro-discharge machining using modern techniques: a review
SM Nayim, MZ Hasan, A Jamwal, S Thakur, S Gupta
AIP conference proceedings 2148 (1), 2019
Adoption of smart and sustainable manufacturing practices: An exploratory study of Indian manufacturing companies
A Aggarwal, S Gupta, A Jamwal, R Agrawal, M Sharma, GS Dangayach
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2022
Process improvement in an Indian automotive part manufacturing company: a case study
ML Meena, R Jain, P Kumar, S Gupta, GS Dangayach
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 23 (4), 524-551, 2018
A study on the barriers to lean manufacturing implementation for small-scale industries in Himachal region (India)
A Jamwal, A Aggarwal, S Gupta, P Sharma
International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 6 (No.2/3/4), pp.393 - 407, 2019
Application of optimization techniques in metal cutting operations: A bibliometric analysis
A Jamwal, R Agrawal, M Sharma, GS Dangayach, S Gupta
Materials Today: Proceedings 38, 365-370, 2021
Synergetic effect of CeO2 doping on structural and tribological behavior of Fe-Al2O3 metal matrix nanocomposites
P Gupta, N Ahamad, D Kumar, N Gupta, V Chaudhary, S Gupta, ...
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 11 (11), 117001, 2022
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