Kyotaro Noguchi
Kyotaro Noguchi
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Arabidopsis boron transporter for xylem loading
J Takano, K Noguchi, M Yasumori, M Kobayashi, Z Gajdos, K Miwa, ...
Nature 420 (6913), 337-340, 2002
Fine root production and turnover in forest ecosystems in relation to stand and environmental characteristics
L Finér, M Ohashi, K Noguchi, Y Hirano
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (11), 2008-2023, 2011
Factors causing variation in fine root biomass in forest ecosystems
L Finér, M Ohashi, K Noguchi, Y Hirano
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2), 265-277, 2011
bor1-1, an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant that requires a high level of boron
K Noguchi, M Yasumori, T Imai, S Naito, T Matsunaga, H Oda, H Hayashi, ...
Plant Physiology 115 (3), 901-906, 1997
Preferential translocation of boron to young leaves in Arabidopsis thaliana regulated by the BOR1 gene
J Takano, M Yamagami, K Noguchi, H Hayashi, T Fujiwara
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 47 (2), 345-357, 2001
Biomass and production of fine roots in Japanese forests
K Noguchi, B Konôpka, T Satomura, S Kaneko, M Takahashi
Journal of forest research 12 (2), 83-95, 2007
Defect in root-shoot translocation of boron in Arabidopsis thaliana mutant bor 1-1
K Noguchi, F Dannel, H Pfeffer, V Römheld, H Hayashi, T Fujiwara
Journal of Plant Physiology 156 (5-6), 751-755, 2000
Fine root dynamics in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation throughout the growing season
B Konôpka, K Noguchi, T Sakata, M Takahashi, Z Konôpková
Forest Ecology and Management 225 (1-3), 278-286, 2006
Biomass and morphology of fine roots of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) after 3 years of nitrogen fertilization
K Noguchi, J Nagakura, S Kaneko
Frontiers in plant science 4, 347, 2013
Effects of simulated drought stress on the fine roots of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in a plantation forest on the Kanto Plain, eastern Japan
B Konôpka, K Noguchi, T Sakata, M Takahashi, Z Konôpková
Journal of forest research 12 (2), 143-151, 2007
Assessing changes in soil carbon stocks after land use conversion from forest land to agricultural land in Japan
N Koga, S Shimoda, Y Shirato, T Kusaba, T Shima, H Niimi, T Yamane, ...
Geoderma 377, 114487, 2020
Biochemical properties of the cell wall in the Arabidopsis mutant bor1‐1 in relation to boron nutrition
K Noguchi, T Ishii, T Matsunaga, K Kakegawa, H Hayashi, T Fujiwara
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 166 (2), 175-178, 2003
Classification of rhizosphere components using visible–near infrared spectral images
T Nakaji, K Noguchi, H Oguma
Plant and soil 310 (1), 245-261, 2008
Fine-root dynamics in a young hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand for 3 years following thinning
K Noguchi, Q Han, MG Araki, T Kawasaki, S Kaneko, M Takahashi, ...
Journal of forest research 16 (4), 284-291, 2011
Estimating the production and mortality of fine roots in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation using a minirhizotron technique
K Noguchi, T Sakata, T Mizoguchi, M Takahashi
Journal of Forest Research 10 (6), 435-441, 2005
Fine-root dynamics in sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) under manipulated soil nitrogen conditions
K Noguchi, J Nagakura, B Konôpka, T Sakata, S Kaneko, M Takahashi
Plant and soil 364 (1), 159-169, 2013
Potassium fertilisation reduces radiocesium uptake by Japanese cypress seedlings grown in a stand contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
M Komatsu, K Hirai, J Nagakura, K Noguchi
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 15612, 2017
A new method for placing and lifting root meshes for estimating fine root production in forest ecosystems
Y Hirano, K Noguchi, M Ohashi, T Hishi, N Makita, S Fujii, L Finér
Plant Root 3, 26-31, 2009
Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery
T Qiu, R Andrus, MC Aravena, D Ascoli, Y Bergeron, R Berretti, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2381, 2022
Replacing Norway spruce with European beech: A comparison of biomass and net primary production patterns in young stands
B Konôpka, J Pajtík, K Noguchi, M Lukac
Forest Ecology and Management 302, 185-192, 2013
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