Associate Professor, Analytical Chemistry, State University of Zanzibar
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Occurrence and distribution of antifouling biocide Irgarol-1051 in coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia
HR Ali, MM Arifin, MA Sheikh, NAM Shazili, Z Bachok
Marine pollution bulletin 70 (1-2), 253-257, 2013
Contamination of diuron in coastal waters around Malaysian Peninsular
HR Ali, MM Arifin, MA Sheikh, NAM Shazili, SS Bakari, Z Bachok
Marine Pollution Bulletin 85 (1), 287-291, 2014
Occurrence of tributyltin compounds and characteristics of heavy metals
MA Sheikh, NM Noah, K Tsuha, T Oomori
International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 4, 49-59, 2007
Contamination by organochlorine pesticides from rivers
ST Imo, MA Sheikh, E Hirosawa, T Oomori, F Tamaki
International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 4, 1-9, 2007
Association between cardiometabolic risk factors and body mass index, waist circumferences and body fat in a Zanzibari cross-sectional study
MA Nyangasa, C Buck, S Kelm, MA Sheikh, KL Brackmann, A Hebestreit
BMJ open 9 (7), e025397, 2019
Contamination and impacts of new antifouling biocide Irgarol-1051 on subtropical coral reef waters
MA Sheikh, T Higuchi, H Fujimura, TS Imo, T Miyagi, T Oomori
International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 6, 353-358, 2009
Seawater temperature proxies based on DSr, DMg, and DU from culture experiments using the branching coral Porites cylindrica
A Armid, R Asami, T Fahmiati, MA Sheikh, H Fujimura, T Higuchi, E Taira, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (15), 4273-4285, 2011
Exploring food access and sociodemographic correlates of food consumption and food insecurity in Zanzibari households
MA Nyangasa, C Buck, S Kelm, M Sheikh, A Hebestreit
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (9), 1557, 2019
Managing human pressures to restore ecosystem health of zanzibar coastal waters
PA Staehr, M Sheikh, R Rashid, A Ussi, M Suleiman, U Kloiber, K Dahl, ...
J. Aquac. Mar. Biol 7 (2), 59-70, 2018
Drone-based characterization of seagrass habitats in the tropical waters of Zanzibar
IY Hamad, PAU Staehr, MB Rasmussen, M Sheikh
Remote Sensing 14 (3), 680, 2022
Distribution and possible impacts of toxic organic pollutants on coral reef ecosystems around Okinawa Island, Japan1
ST Imo, MA Sheikh, K Sawano, H Fujimura, T Oomori
Pacific Science 62 (3), 317-326, 2008
Occurrence and distribution of antifouling biocide Irgarol-1051 in coral reef ecosystems, Zanzibar
MA Sheikh, FS Juma, P Staehr, K Dahl, RJ Rashid, MS Mohammed, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 109 (1), 586-590, 2016
Potential of Periophthalmus sobrinus and Siganus sutor as bioindicator fish species for PAH pollution in tropical waters
RR Juma, NS Salum, Z Tairova, J Strand, SS Bakari, MA Sheikh
Regional Studies in Marine Science 18, 170-176, 2018
Toxicological studies of Irgarol-1051 and its effects on fatty acid composition of Asian sea-bass, Lates calcarifer
HR Ali, MM Ariffin, MA Sheikh, NAM Shazili, Z Bachok
Regional Studies in Marine Science 2, 171-176, 2015
State of affairs in ICT usage within tourist hotel operations: A case of Zanzibar
IS Salim, H Shayo, E Abaho, MA Sheikh
Journal of Research in International Business and Management 3 (6), 180-187, 2013
Antifouling paint biocides (Irgarol 1051 and diuron) in the selected ports of Peninsular Malaysia: occurrence, seasonal variation, and ecological risk assessment
HR Ali, MM Ariffin, TFT Omar, A Ghazali, MA Sheikh, NAM Shazili, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (37), 52247-52257, 2021
Ecological health of coral reefs in Zanzibar
H Bravo, S Cannicci, F Huyghe, M Leermakers, MA Sheikh, M Kochzius
Regional Studies in Marine Science 48, 102014, 2021
Distribution and potential effects of novel antifouling herbicide Diuron on coral reefs
MA Sheikh, T Oomori, H Fujimura, T Higuchi, T Imo, A Akamatsu, T Miyagi, ...
Herbicides—Environmental Impact Studies and Management Approaches, 83-94, 2012
Detection and ecological threats of PSII herbicide diuron on coral reefs around the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
MA Sheikh, H Fujimura, T Miyagi, Y Uechi, T Yokota, S Yasumura, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 58 (12), 1922-1926, 2009
Potential of silicone passive sampler for Tributyltin (TBT) detection in tropical aquatic systems
MA Sheikh, MM Fasih, J Strand, HR Ali, AH Bakar, HM Sharif
Regional Studies in Marine Science 35, 101171, 2020
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