Meagan E Wengrove
Field and laboratory observations of bed stress and associated nutrient release in a tidal estuary
ME Wengrove, DL Foster, LH Kalnejais, V Percuoco, TC Lippmann
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 161, 11-24, 2015
Applicability of video-derived bathymetry estimates to nearshore current model predictions
M Radermacher, M Wengrove, J van Thiel de Vries, R Holman
Journal of Coastal Research, 290-295, 2014
Observations of time‐dependent bedform transformation in combined wave‐current flows
ME Wengrove, DL Foster, TC Lippmann, MA de Schipper, J Calantoni
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (10), 7581-7598, 2018
Does vegetation accelerate coastal dune erosion during extreme events?
RA Feagin, RA Innocenti, H Bond, M Wengrove, TP Huff, P Lomonaco, ...
Science Advances 9 (24), eadg7135, 2023
Observations of bedform migration and bedload sediment transport in combined wave‐current flows
ME Wengrove, DL Foster, TC Lippmann, MA de Schipper, J Calantoni
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (7), 4572-4590, 2019
Field evidence of the viscous sublayer in a tidally forced developing boundary layer
ME Wengrove, DL Foster
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (14), 5084-5090, 2014
Melting of glacier ice enhanced by bursting air bubbles
ME Wengrove, EC Pettit, JD Nash, RH Jackson, ED Skyllingstad
Nature Geoscience 16 (10), 871-876, 2023
Monitoring morphology of the Sand Engine leeside using Argus’ cBathy
ME Wengrove, M Henriquez, MA De Schipper, R Holman, MJF Stive
Coastal Dynamics 2013, 7th, 2013
The effects of plant structure and flow properties on the physical response of coastal dune plants to wind and wave run-up
RA Innocenti, RA Feagin, BR Charbonneau, J Figlus, P Lomonaco, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 261, 107556, 2021
Resisting dune erosion with bio-cementation
BM Montoya, TM Evans, ME Wengrove, H Bond, P Ghasemi, E Yazdani, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-10), 2021
Beach and dune subsurface hydrodynamics and their influence on the formation of dune scarps
H Bond, M Wengrove, J Puleo, M Pontiki, TM Evans, RA Feagin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (12), e2023JF007298, 2023
Surfzone bedform migration and sediment flux implications to large scale morphologic evolution
ME Wengrove, MA de Schipper, TC Lippmann, DL Foster
Geomorphology 410, 108246, 2022
Observations and modeling of shear stress reduction and sediment flux within sparse dune grass canopies on managed coastal dunes
J Dickey, M Wengrove, N Cohn, P Ruggiero, SD Hacker
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48 (5), 907-922, 2023
Marine sediment transport
S de Vries, M Wengrove, J Bosboom
Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, 187-212, 2020
Mechanisms of sediment transport around finite patches of submerged aquatic vegetation
ER Holzenthal, ME Wengrove, DF Hill
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 273, 107905, 2022
Wave and current ripple formation and migration during storms
ME Wengrove, DL Foster, MA de Schipper, TC Lippmann
Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 129, 955-965, 2017
Upstream to downstream: stormwater quality in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
ME Wengrove, TP Ballestero
Environmental monitoring and assessment 184, 5025-5034, 2012
Measuring hydrodynamics and exploring nearshore processes using distributed sensing of fiber-optic cable strain
HE Glover, ME Wengrove, R Holman
Coastal Engineering 190, 104487, 2024
Coupled wave energy converter and nearshore wave propagation models for coastal impact assessments
T Flanagan, M Wengrove, B Robertson
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (3), 370, 2022
Geomorphic response of a coastal berm to storm surge and the importance of sheet flow dynamics
M Pontiki, JA Puleo, H Bond, M Wengrove, RA Feagin, TJ Hsu, T Huff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (10), e2022JF006948, 2023
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