Maria Colonna
Maria Colonna
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - Catania
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Reaction dynamics with exotic nuclei
V Baran, M Colonna, V Greco, M Di Toro
Physics Reports 410 (5-6), 335-466, 2005
Nuclear spinodal fragmentation
P Chomaz, M Colonna, J Randrup
Physics Reports 389 (5-6), 263-440, 2004
Asymmetric nuclear matter: The role of the isovector scalar channel
B Liu, V Greco, V Baran, M Colonna, M Di Toro
Physical Review C 65 (4), 045201, 2002
Dynamical effects and intermediate mass fragment production in peripheral and semicentral collisions of Xe+ Sn at 50 MeV/nucleon
J Łukasik, J Benlliure, V Métivier, E Plagnol, B Tamain, M Assenard, ...
Physical Review C 55 (4), 1906, 1997
Results of the ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: The symmetry energy at suprasaturation density
P Russotto, S Gannon, S Kupny, P Lasko, L Acosta, M Adamczyk, ...
Physical Review C 94 (3), 034608, 2016
Isospin effects in nuclear fragmentation
V Baran, M Colonna, M Di Toro, V Greco, M Zielinska-Pfabé, HH Wolter
Nuclear Physics A 703 (3-4), 603-632, 2002
Fragmentation studies with the CHIMERA detector at LNS in Catania: recent progress
A Pagano, M Alderighi, F Amorini, A Anzalone, L Arena, L Auditore, ...
Nuclear Physics A 734, 504-511, 2004
Spinodal decomposition of low-density asymmetric nuclear matter
V Baran, M Colonna, M Di Toro, AB Larionov
Nuclear Physics A 632 (2), 287-303, 1998
Fluctuations and dynamical instabilities in heavy-ion reactions
M Colonna, M Di Toro, A Guarnera, S Maccarone, M Zielinska-Pfabé, ...
Nuclear Physics A 642 (3-4), 449-460, 1998
The NUMEN project: NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay
F Cappuzzello, C Agodi, M Cavallaro, D Carbone, S Tudisco, D Lo Presti, ...
The European Physical Journal A 54, 1-46, 2018
3D stochastic mean-field simulations of the spinodal fragmentation of dilute nuclei
A Guarnera, M Colonna, P Chomaz
Physics Letters B 373 (4), 267-274, 1996
Understanding transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions at and MeV: Comparison of heavy-ion transport codes under controlled conditions
J Xu, LW Chen, MYB Tsang, H Wolter, YX Zhang, J Aichelin, M Colonna, ...
Physical review C 93 (4), 044609, 2016
Evidence for spinodal decomposition in nuclear multifragmentation
B Borderie, G Tăbăcaru, P Chomaz, M Colonna, A Guarnera, M Pârlog, ...
Physical Review Letters 86 (15), 3252, 2001
Isospin effects on subthreshold kaon production at intermediate energies
G Ferini, T Gaitanos, M Colonna, M Di Toro, HH Wolter
Physical review letters 97 (20), 202301, 2006
Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Collision integral in a box
YX Zhang, YJ Wang, M Colonna, P Danielewicz, A Ono, MB Tsang, ...
Physical Review C 97 (3), 034625, 2018
Neck fragmentation reaction mechanism
V Baran, M Colonna, M Di Toro
Nuclear Physics A 730 (3-4), 329-354, 2004
Multifragmentation of a very heavy nuclear system (II): bulk properties and spinodal decomposition
JD Frankland, B Borderie, M Colonna, MF Rivet, CO Bacri, P Chomaz, ...
Nuclear Physics A 689 (3-4), 940-964, 2001
Effects of charge symmetry on heavy ion reaction mechanisms
M Colonna, M Di Toro, G Fabbri, S Maccarone
Physical Review C 57 (3), 1410, 1998
Probing the nuclear symmetry energy with heavy-ion collisions
M Di Toro, V Baran, M Colonna, V Greco
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (8), 083101, 2010
Isoscaling in central 124Sn+ 64Ni, 112Sn+ 58Ni collisions at 35 A MeV
E Geraci, M Bruno, M d'Agostino, E De Filippo, A Pagano, G Vannini, ...
Nuclear Physics A 732, 173-201, 2004
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