Jinfeng Zhao
Jinfeng Zhao
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Impact assessment of climate change and human activities on GHG emissions and agricultural water use
YH Tang, XB Luan, JX Sun, JF Zhao, YL Yin, YB Wang, SK Sun
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 296, 108218, 2021
Assessment of global drought propensity and its impacts on agricultural water use in future climate scenarios
Y Lu, H Cai, T Jiang, S Sun, Y Wang, J Zhao, X Yu, J Sun
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107623, 2019
Crop yield estimation based on assimilation of crop models and remote sensing data: A systematic evaluation
L Luo, S Sun, J Xue, Z Gao, J Zhao, Y Yin, F Gao, X Luan
Agricultural Systems 210, 103711, 2023
Estimation of high spatiotemporal resolution actual evapotranspiration by combining the SWH model with the METRIC model
J Zhao, C Li, T Yang, Y Tang, Y Yin, X Luan, S Sun
Journal of Hydrology 586, 124883, 2020
Estimation of regional actual evapotranspiration based on the improved SEBAL model
Y Ma, S Sun, C Li, J Zhao, Z Li, C Jia
Journal of Hydrology, 129283, 2023
Water-Food-Carbon Nexus Related to the Producer–Consumer Link: A Review
J Wang, S Sun, Y Yin, K Wang, J Sun, Y Tang, J Zhao
Advances in Nutrition 13 (3), 938-952, 2022
“Water-Carbon” redistribution caused by China's interprovincial grain transportation
J Sun, S Sun, Y Yin, Y Wang, J Zhao, Y Tang, P Wu
Water Research, 119894, 2023
Status of crop water use efficiency evaluation methods: A review
T Wang, S Sun, Y Yin, J Zhao, Y Tang, Y Wang, F Gao, X Luan
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 349, 109961, 2024
Quantification of wheat water footprint based on data assimilation of remote sensing and WOFOST model
J Xue, S Sun, L Luo, Z Gao, Y Yin, J Zhao, C Li, Y Wang, P Wu
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 347, 109914, 2024
Evaluation of the temporal reconstruction methods for MODIS-based continuous daily actual evapotranspiration estimation
X Hu, J Zhao, S Sun, C Jia, F Zhang, Y Ma, K Wang, Y Wang
Agricultural Water Management 275, 107991, 2023
Large Scale Crop Water Footprint Evaluation Based on Remote Sensing Methods: A Case Study of Maize
Z Li, S Sun, J Zhao, C Li, Z Gao, Y Yin, Y Wang, P Wu
Water Resources Research 59 (7), e2022WR032630, 2023
Decoupling trend and drivers between grain water‑carbon footprint and economy-ecology development in China
J Sun, S Sun, Y Yin, Y Wang, J Zhao, Y Tang, P Wu
Agricultural Systems 217, 103904, 2024
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