Xindi Ma
Xindi Ma
School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Unified biometric privacy preserving three-factor authentication and key agreement for cloud-assisted autonomous vehicles
Q Jiang, N Zhang, J Ni, J Ma, X Ma, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (9), 9390-9401, 2020
Efficient end-to-end authentication protocol for wearable health monitoring systems
Q Jiang, J Ma, C Yang, X Ma, J Shen, SA Chaudhry
Computers & Electrical Engineering 63, 182-195, 2017
Trustaccess: A trustworthy secure ciphertext-policy and attribute hiding access control scheme based on blockchain
S Gao, G Piao, J Zhu, X Ma, J Ma
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 5784-5798, 2020
Spatiotemporal correlation-aware dummy-based privacy protection scheme for location-based services
H Liu, X Li, H Li, J Ma, X Ma
IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-9, 2017
Three-factor authentication protocol using physical unclonable function for IoV
Q Jiang, X Zhang, N Zhang, Y Tian, X Ma, J Ma
Computer Communications 173, 45-55, 2021
Lightweight security authentication mechanism towards UAV networks
L Teng, M Jianfeng, F Pengbin, M Yue, M Xindi, Z Jiawei, C Gao, L Di
2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA …, 2019
ARMOR: A trust-based privacy-preserving framework for decentralized friend recommendation in online social networks
X Ma, J Ma, H Li, Q Jiang, S Gao
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 82-94, 2018
PDLM: Privacy-preserving deep learning model on cloud with multiple keys
X Ma, J Ma, H Li, Q Jiang, S Gao
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2018
Optimized fuzzy commitment based key agreement protocol for wireless body area network
Q Jiang, Z Chen, J Ma, X Ma, J Shen, D Wu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (2), 839-853, 2019
User centric three‐factor authentication protocol for cloud‐assisted wearable devices
Q Jiang, Y Qian, J Ma, X Ma, Q Cheng, F Wei
International Journal of Communication Systems 32 (6), e3900, 2019
DisBezant: Secure and robust federated learning against Byzantine attack in IoT-enabled MTS
X Ma, Q Jiang, M Shojafar, M Alazab, S Kumar, S Kumari
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (2), 2492-2502, 2022
APPLET: a privacy-preserving framework for location-aware recommender system
X Ma, H Li, J Ma, Q Jiang, S Gao, N Xi, D Lu
Science China. Information Sciences 60 (9), 092101, 2017
Shake to communicate: Secure handshake acceleration-based pairing mechanism for wrist worn devices
Q Jiang, X Huang, N Zhang, K Zhang, X Ma, J Ma
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 5618-5630, 2019
Two-factor authentication protocol using physical unclonable function for IoV
Q Jiang, X Zhang, N Zhang, Y Tian, X Ma, J Ma
2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC …, 2019
An efficient three-factor remote user authentication protocol based on BPV-FourQ for internet of drones
N Zhang, Q Jiang, L Li, X Ma, J Ma
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 14, 3319-3332, 2021
RTRC: a reputation-based incentive game model for trustworthy crowdsourcing service
X Ma, J Ma, H Li, Q Jiang, S Gao
China Communications 13 (12), 199-215, 2016
Personalized privacy-aware task offloading for edge-cloud-assisted industrial internet of things in automated manufacturing
D Wei, N Xi, X Ma, M Shojafar, S Kumari, J Ma
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 18 (11), 7935-7945, 2022
Android malware detection via graph representation learning
P Feng, J Ma, T Li, X Ma, N Xi, D Lu
Mobile Information Systems 2021 (1), 5538841, 2021
Android malware detection based on call graph via graph neural network
P Feng, J Ma, T Li, X Ma, N Xi, D Lu
2020 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA …, 2020
AGENT: An adaptive geo-indistinguishable mechanism for continuous location-based service
X Ma, J Ma, H Li, Q Jiang, S Gao
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11, 473-485, 2018
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