Abdelmadjid Gouichiche
Abdelmadjid Gouichiche
Ibn khaldoun university ,Tiaret
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A robust control algorithm for a multifunctional grid tied inverter to enhance the power quality of a microgrid under unbalanced conditions
A Safa, ELM Berkouk, Y Messlem, A Gouichiche
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 100, 253-264, 2018
A pseudo open loop synchronization technique for heavily distorted grid voltage
A Safa, ELM Berkouk, Y Messlem, Z Chedjara, A Gouichiche
Electric Power Systems Research 158, 136-146, 2018
An improved stator winding fault tolerance architecture for vector control of induction motor: Theory and experiment
G Abdelmadjid, BS Mohamed, T Mohamed, S Ahmed, M Youcef
Electric power systems research 104, 129-137, 2013
Global fault‐tolerant control approach for vector control of an induction motor
A Gouichiche, A Safa, A Chibani, M Tadjine
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, e12440, 2020
Sensorless sliding mode vector control of induction motor drives
G Abdelmadjid, BM Seghir, S Ahmed, M Youcef
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) 2 (3 …, 2012
A novel robust PLL algorithm applied to the control of a shunt active power filter using a self tuning filter concept
Z Chedjara, A Massoum, S Massoum, P Wira, A Safa, A Gouichiche
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1124-1131, 2018
Super-twisting sliding mode control and robust loop shaping design of RO desalination process powered by PV generator
M Zebbar, Y Messlem, A Gouichiche, M Tadjine
Desalination 458, 122-135, 2019
Real time control of an active power filter under distorted voltage condition
A Safa, G Madjid, M Youcef, T Hamza
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2 (4), 424, 2012
An improved sliding mode controller for a multifunctional photovoltaic grid tied inverter
A Safa, EM Berkouk, Y Messlem, A Gouichiche
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9 (6), 2017
A fast and robust reference current generation algorithm for three-phase shunt active power filter
Z Chedjara, A Massoum, P Wira, A Safa, A Gouichiche
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 12 (1), 121, 2021
Finite-time integral sliding mode control for chaotic permanent magnet synchronous motor systems
A Chibani, B Daaou, A Gouichiche, A Safa, Y Messlem
Archives of Electrical Engineering 66 (2), 2017
Neural adaptive Kalman filter for sensorless vector control of induction motor
G Imane, M Youcef, G Abdelmadjid, C Zakaria
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 8 (4), 1841, 2017
Open loop synchronization techniques benchmarking for distributed energy sources connection
A Safa, A Gouichiche, AK Verma, CL Su, Z Chedjara, Y Messlem, ...
IEEE Access 10, 63554-63566, 2022
Expiremental validation of a fault tolerant control of induction motor using a voting algorithm
A Gouichiche, M Zabar, Z Chedjara, A Safa, M Tadjine
2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information …, 2015
Sliding mode observer for fault tolerant control of induction motor
G Abdelmadjid, S Ahmed, BS Mohamed, T Mohamed
2012 2nd International Symposium On Environment Friendly Energies And …, 2012
A new quasi open loop synchronization technique for grid-connected applications
Z Chedjara, A Massoum, P Wira, A Safa, A Gouichiche
Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering 17 (1), 47-58, 2021
Nonlinear control applied to chaotic system using sliding mode
A Chibani, B Daaou, A Gouichiche, A Safa
2014 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2014
Interleaved boost converter open switch fault detection and reconfiguration using harmonic selection calculation
Y Badaoui, A Gouichiche, A Safa, Y Messlem, A Chibani, Z Chedjara
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2023
Comprehensive analysis of harmonic signature resulting from open switch fault in interleaved boost converter
A Gouichiche, Y Badaoui, A Safa, A Chibani, M Benbouzid, Z Chedjara
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
A three-phase current reconstruction algorithm for an improved fault tolerant control using positive fundamental component estimator
A Chibani, A Gouichiche, Z Chedjara, Y Badaoui, P Wira, A Safa
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
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