Heinrich Audebert
Heinrich Audebert
Patvirtintas el. paštas
European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines on intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke
E Berge, W Whiteley, H Audebert, GM De Marchis, AC Fonseca, ...
European stroke journal 6 (1), I-LXII, 2021
Treatment and outcomes of acute basilar artery occlusion in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS): a prospective registry study
WJ Schonewille, CAC Wijman, P Michel, CM Rueckert, C Weimar, ...
The Lancet Neurology 8 (8), 724-730, 2009
Effect of the use of ambulance-based thrombolysis on time to thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a randomized clinical trial
M Ebinger, B Winter, M Wendt, JE Weber, C Waldschmidt, M Rozanski, ...
Jama 311 (16), 1622-1631, 2014
A review of the evidence for the use of telemedicine within stroke systems of care: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
LH Schwamm, RG Holloway, P Amarenco, HJ Audebert, T Bakas, ...
Stroke 40 (7), 2616-2634, 2009
Endovascular therapy for stroke due to basilar-artery occlusion
LCM Langezaal, EJRJ Van Der Hoeven, FJA Mont’Alverne, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 384 (20), 1910-1920, 2021
Five-year risk of stroke after TIA or minor ischemic stroke
P Amarenco, PC Lavallée, L Monteiro Tavares, J Labreuche, GW Albers, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 378 (23), 2182-2190, 2018
Effects of the implementation of a telemedical stroke network: the Telemedic Pilot Project for Integrative Stroke Care (TEMPiS) in Bavaria, Germany
HJ Audebert, J Schenkel, PU Heuschmann, U Bogdahn, RL Haberl
The Lancet Neurology 5 (9), 742-748, 2006
Telemedicine for safe and extended use of thrombolysis in stroke: the Telemedic Pilot Project for Integrative Stroke Care (TEMPiS) in Bavaria
HJ Audebert, C Kukla, S Clarmann von Claranau, J Kühn, B Vatankhah, ...
Stroke 36 (2), 287-291, 2005
Recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine within stroke systems of care: a policy statement from the American Heart Association
LH Schwamm, HJ Audebert, P Amarenco, NR Chumbler, MR Frankel, ...
Stroke 40 (7), 2635-2660, 2009
Effects of golden hour thrombolysis: a Prehospital Acute Neurological Treatment and Optimization of Medical Care in Stroke (PHANTOM-S) substudy
M Ebinger, A Kunz, M Wendt, M Rozanski, B Winter, C Waldschmidt, ...
JAMA neurology 72 (1), 25-30, 2015
High frequency of cerebrospinal fluid autoantibodies in COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms
C Franke, C Ferse, J Kreye, SM Reincke, E Sanchez-Sendin, A Rocco, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 93, 415-419, 2021
Overweight and obesity are associated with improved survival, functional outcome, and stroke recurrence after acute stroke or transient ischaemic attack: observations from the …
W Doehner, J Schenkel, SD Anker, J Springer, HJ Audebert
European heart journal 34 (4), 268-277, 2013
Telemedicine quality and outcomes in stroke: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
LR Wechsler, BM Demaerschalk, LH Schwamm, OM Adeoye, ...
Stroke 48 (1), e3-e25, 2017
Long-term outcome after thrombolysis in telemedical stroke care
S Schwab, B Vatankhah, C Kukla, M Hauchwitz, U Bogdahn, A Furst, ...
Neurology 69 (9), 898-903, 2007
Comparison of tissue plasminogen activator administration management between Telestroke Network hospitals and academic stroke centers: the Telemedical Pilot Project for …
HJ Audebert, C Kukla, B Vatankhah, B Gotzler, J Schenkel, S Hofer, ...
Stroke 37 (7), 1822-1827, 2006
Prehospital thrombolysis in acute stroke: results of the PHANTOM-S pilot study
JE Weber, M Ebinger, M Rozanski, C Waldschmidt, M Wendt, B Winter, ...
Neurology 80 (2), 163-168, 2013
Systemic inflammatory response depends on initial stroke severity but is attenuated by successful thrombolysis
HJ Audebert, MM Rott, T Eck, RL Haberl
Stroke 35 (9), 2128-2133, 2004
Association between dispatch of mobile stroke units and functional outcomes among patients with acute ischemic stroke in Berlin
M Ebinger, B Siegerink, A Kunz, M Wendt, JE Weber, E Schwabauer, ...
Jama 325 (5), 454-466, 2021
Consensus statements and recommendations from the ESO-Karolinska stroke update conference, Stockholm 11–13 November 2018
N Ahmed, H Audebert, G Turc, C Cordonnier, H Christensen, S Sacco, ...
European stroke journal 4 (4), 307-317, 2019
Progression in lacunar stroke is related to elevated acute phase parameters
HJ Audebert, TS Pellkofer, ML Wimmer, RL Haberl
European neurology 51 (3), 125-131, 2004
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