Misha B. Ahrens
Misha B. Ahrens
Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
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Whole-brain functional imaging at cellular resolution using light-sheet microscopy
MB Ahrens, MB Orger, DN Robson, JM Li, PJ Keller
Nature methods 10 (5), 413-420, 2013
Simultaneous denoising, deconvolution, and demixing of calcium imaging data
EA Pnevmatikakis, D Soudry, Y Gao, TA Machado, J Merel, D Pfau, ...
Neuron 89 (2), 285-299, 2016
Sensitive red protein calcium indicators for imaging neural activity
H Dana, B Mohar, Y Sun, S Narayan, A Gordus, JP Hasseman, ...
elife 5, e12727, 2016
Brain-wide neuronal dynamics during motor adaptation in zebrafish
MB Ahrens, JM Li, MB Orger, DN Robson, AF Schier, F Engert, ...
Nature 485 (7399), 471-477, 2012
Bright and photostable chemigenetic indicators for extended in vivo voltage imaging
AS Abdelfattah, T Kawashima, A Singh, O Novak, H Liu, Y Shuai, ...
Science 365 (6454), 699-704, 2019
Labeling of active neural circuits in vivo with designed calcium integrators
BF Fosque, Y Sun, H Dana, CT Yang, T Ohyama, MR Tadross, R Patel, ...
Science 347 (6223), 755-760, 2015
Fast and sensitive GCaMP calcium indicators for imaging neural populations
Y Zhang, M Rózsa, Y Liang, D Bushey, Z Wei, J Zheng, D Reep, ...
Nature 615 (7954), 884-891, 2023
A genetically encoded fluorescent sensor for in vivo imaging of GABA
JS Marvin, Y Shimoda, V Magloire, M Leite, T Kawashima, TP Jensen, ...
Nature methods 16 (8), 763-770, 2019
Light-sheet functional imaging in fictively behaving zebrafish
N Vladimirov, Y Mu, T Kawashima, DV Bennett, CT Yang, LL Looger, ...
Nature methods 11 (9), 883-884, 2014
A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters
KD Piatkevich, EE Jung, C Straub, C Linghu, D Park, HJ Suk, ...
Nature chemical biology 14 (4), 352-360, 2018
Glia accumulate evidence that actions are futile and suppress unsuccessful behavior
Y Mu, DV Bennett, M Rubinov, S Narayan, CT Yang, M Tanimoto, ...
Cell 178 (1), 27-43. e19, 2019
Mapping brain activity at scale with cluster computing
J Freeman, N Vladimirov, T Kawashima, Y Mu, NJ Sofroniew, DV Bennett, ...
Nature methods 11 (9), 941-950, 2014
Neural circuits underlying visually evoked escapes in larval zebrafish
TW Dunn, C Gebhardt, EA Naumann, C Riegler, MB Ahrens, F Engert, ...
Neuron 89 (3), 613-628, 2016
Brain-wide mapping of neural activity controlling zebrafish exploratory locomotion
TW Dunn, Y Mu, S Narayan, O Randlett, EA Naumann, CT Yang, ...
Elife 5, e12741, 2016
Visualizing whole-brain activity and development at the single-cell level using light-sheet microscopy
PJ Keller, MB Ahrens
Neuron 85 (3), 462-483, 2015
Efficient estimation of detailed single-neuron models
QJM Huys, MB Ahrens, L Paninski
Journal of neurophysiology 96 (2), 872-890, 2006
Nonlinearities and contextual influences in auditory cortical responses modeled with multilinear spectrotemporal methods
MB Ahrens, JF Linden, M Sahani
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (8), 1929-1942, 2008
Brain-wide organization of neuronal activity and convergent sensorimotor transformations in larval zebrafish
X Chen, Y Mu, Y Hu, AT Kuan, M Nikitchenko, O Randlett, AB Chen, ...
Neuron 100 (4), 876-890. e5, 2018
Optogenetics in a transparent animal: circuit function in the larval zebrafish
R Portugues, KE Severi, C Wyart, MB Ahrens
Current opinion in neurobiology 23 (1), 119-126, 2013
The serotonergic system tracks the outcomes of actions to mediate short-term motor learning
T Kawashima, MF Zwart, CT Yang, BD Mensh, MB Ahrens
Cell 167 (4), 933-946. e20, 2016
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