Geospatial technology for delineating groundwater potential zones in Doddahalla watershed of Chitradurga district, India K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19 (2), 223-234, 2016 | 296 | 2016 |
Morphometric analysis to determine floods in the Upper Krishna basin using Cartosat DEM S Bhatt, SA Ahmed Geocarto International 29 (8), 878-894, 2014 | 152 | 2014 |
Evaluation of morphometric parameters derived from ASTER and SRTM DEM—a study on Bandihole sub-watershed basin in Karnataka SA Ahmed, KN Chandrashekarappa, SK Raj, V Nischitha, G Kavitha Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing 38 (2), 227-238, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
Rainfall-runoff modelling of Doddahalla watershed—an application of HEC-HMS and SCN-CN in ungauged agricultural watershed K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (3), 170, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Land use and land cover classification using machine learning algorithms in google earth engine SA Ahmed, H N Earth Science Informatics 16 (4), 3057-3073, 2023 | 48 | 2023 |
Latitudinal variation in summer monsoon rainfall over Western Ghat of India and its association with global sea surface temperatures JV Revadekar, H Varikoden, PK Murumkar, SA Ahmed Science of the Total Environment 613, 88-97, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Petrology and geochemistry of greywackes from Goa-Dharwar sector, western Dharwar Craton: Implications for volcanoclastic origin TC Devaraju, TL Sudhakara, RJ Kaukonen, RP Viljoen, TT Alapieti, ... Journal of the Geological Society of India 75, 465-487, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
The impact of seasonal rainfall variability on NDVI in the Tunga and Bhadra river basins, Karnataka, India V Nischitha, SA Ahmed, H Varikoden, JV Revadekar International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (23), 8025-8043, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Lineament extraction from southern Chitradurga Schist Belt using Landsat TM, ASTERGDEM and geomatics techniques SA Ahmed International Journal of Computer Applications 93 (12), 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Quantitative assessment of land surface temperature and vegetation indices on a kilometer grid scale N Kikon, D Kumar, SA Ahmed Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (49), 107236-107258, 2023 | 21 | 2023 |
Rainfall-runoff modelling of Doddahalla watershed—an application of HEC-HMS and SCN-CN in ungauged agricultural watershed. Arab J Geosci 9 (3): 1–16 K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed | 21 | 2016 |
Iron oxides mapping from E0-1 hyperion data S Kiran Raj, SA Ahmed, SK Srivatsav, PK Gupta Journal of the Geological Society of India 86, 717-725, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Analysing malaria incidence at the small area level for developing a spatial decision support system: a case study in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India S Shekhar, EH Yoo, SA Ahmed, R Haining, S Kadannolly Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 20, 9-25, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
FAO 56 model and remote sensing for the estimation of crop-water requirement in main branch canal of the Bhadra Command area, Karnataka State SNA Abdul Karim, SA Ahmed, V Nischitha, S Bhatt, S Kiran Raj, ... Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 41, 883-894, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
Computation of the spatio-temporal extent of rainfall and long-term meteorological drought assessment using standardized precipitation index over Kolar and Chikkaballapura … N Harishnaika, SA Ahmed, S Kumar, M Arpitha Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 27, 100768, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Evaluation of morphometric parameters–a comparative study from Cartosat DEM, SRTM and SOI Toposheet in Karabayyanahalli sub-watershed, Karnataka K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed International Journal of Research 11, 679-688, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Geospatial investigation of site suitability for ecotourism development using AHP and GIS techniques in Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka state, India N Harishnaika, M Arpitha, SA Ahmed, KS Ashwini World Development Sustainability 3, 100114, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Detection of spatiotemporal patterns of rainfall trends, using non-parametric statistical techniques, in Karnataka state, India SA Ahmed Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (7), 1-20, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Time series data and rainfall pattern subjected to climate change using non-parametric tests over a vulnerable region of Karnataka, India S Kumar, SA Ahmed, J Karkala Journal of Water and Climate Change 14 (5), 1532-1550, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Evaluating the consistency of the TRMM over the rain gauge for drought monitoring in the semi-arid region of Karnataka, India, using statistical methods S Kumar, SA Ahmed, J Karkala Environmental Science: Advances 1 (4), 517-529, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |