SA Ahmed
SA Ahmed
Professor of Applied Geology, Kuvempu University
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Geospatial technology for delineating groundwater potential zones in Doddahalla watershed of Chitradurga district, India
K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19 (2), 223-234, 2016
Morphometric analysis to determine floods in the Upper Krishna basin using Cartosat DEM
S Bhatt, SA Ahmed
Geocarto International 29 (8), 878-894, 2014
Evaluation of morphometric parameters derived from ASTER and SRTM DEM—a study on Bandihole sub-watershed basin in Karnataka
SA Ahmed, KN Chandrashekarappa, SK Raj, V Nischitha, G Kavitha
Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing 38 (2), 227-238, 2010
Rainfall-runoff modelling of Doddahalla watershed—an application of HEC-HMS and SCN-CN in ungauged agricultural watershed
K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (3), 170, 2016
Land use and land cover classification using machine learning algorithms in google earth engine
SA Ahmed, H N
Earth Science Informatics 16 (4), 3057-3073, 2023
Latitudinal variation in summer monsoon rainfall over Western Ghat of India and its association with global sea surface temperatures
JV Revadekar, H Varikoden, PK Murumkar, SA Ahmed
Science of the Total Environment 613, 88-97, 2018
Petrology and geochemistry of greywackes from Goa-Dharwar sector, western Dharwar Craton: Implications for volcanoclastic origin
TC Devaraju, TL Sudhakara, RJ Kaukonen, RP Viljoen, TT Alapieti, ...
Journal of the Geological Society of India 75, 465-487, 2010
The impact of seasonal rainfall variability on NDVI in the Tunga and Bhadra river basins, Karnataka, India
V Nischitha, SA Ahmed, H Varikoden, JV Revadekar
International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (23), 8025-8043, 2014
Lineament extraction from southern Chitradurga Schist Belt using Landsat TM, ASTERGDEM and geomatics techniques
SA Ahmed
International Journal of Computer Applications 93 (12), 2014
Quantitative assessment of land surface temperature and vegetation indices on a kilometer grid scale
N Kikon, D Kumar, SA Ahmed
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (49), 107236-107258, 2023
Rainfall-runoff modelling of Doddahalla watershed—an application of HEC-HMS and SCN-CN in ungauged agricultural watershed. Arab J Geosci 9 (3): 1–16
K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed
Iron oxides mapping from E0-1 hyperion data
S Kiran Raj, SA Ahmed, SK Srivatsav, PK Gupta
Journal of the Geological Society of India 86, 717-725, 2015
Analysing malaria incidence at the small area level for developing a spatial decision support system: a case study in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India
S Shekhar, EH Yoo, SA Ahmed, R Haining, S Kadannolly
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 20, 9-25, 2017
FAO 56 model and remote sensing for the estimation of crop-water requirement in main branch canal of the Bhadra Command area, Karnataka State
SNA Abdul Karim, SA Ahmed, V Nischitha, S Bhatt, S Kiran Raj, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 41, 883-894, 2013
Computation of the spatio-temporal extent of rainfall and long-term meteorological drought assessment using standardized precipitation index over Kolar and Chikkaballapura …
N Harishnaika, SA Ahmed, S Kumar, M Arpitha
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 27, 100768, 2022
Evaluation of morphometric parameters–a comparative study from Cartosat DEM, SRTM and SOI Toposheet in Karabayyanahalli sub-watershed, Karnataka
K Ibrahim-Bathis, SA Ahmed
International Journal of Research 11, 679-688, 2014
Geospatial investigation of site suitability for ecotourism development using AHP and GIS techniques in Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka state, India
N Harishnaika, M Arpitha, SA Ahmed, KS Ashwini
World Development Sustainability 3, 100114, 2023
Detection of spatiotemporal patterns of rainfall trends, using non-parametric statistical techniques, in Karnataka state, India
SA Ahmed
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (7), 1-20, 2023
Time series data and rainfall pattern subjected to climate change using non-parametric tests over a vulnerable region of Karnataka, India
S Kumar, SA Ahmed, J Karkala
Journal of Water and Climate Change 14 (5), 1532-1550, 2023
Evaluating the consistency of the TRMM over the rain gauge for drought monitoring in the semi-arid region of Karnataka, India, using statistical methods
S Kumar, SA Ahmed, J Karkala
Environmental Science: Advances 1 (4), 517-529, 2022
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