Giovanni Pagano
Giovanni Pagano
Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno, Post Doc. Researcher
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Nonstandard finite differences numerical methods for a vegetation reaction–diffusion model
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 419, 114790, 2023
Synchronization scenarios induced by delayed communication in arrays of diffusively coupled autonomous chemical oscillators
MA Budroni, G Pagano, D Conte, B Paternoster, R D’ambrosio, S Ristori, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (32), 17606-17615, 2021
Time-accurate and highly-stable explicit peer methods for stiff differential problems
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 119, 107136, 2023
Two-step peer methods with equation-dependent coefficients
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Computational and Applied Mathematics 41 (4), 140, 2022
On a generalization of time-accurate and highly-stable explicit operators for stiff problems
L Aceto, D Conte, G Pagano
Applied Numerical Mathematics 200, 2-17, 2024
Jacobian-dependent vs Jacobian-free discretizations for nonlinear differential problems
D Conte, R D’Ambrosio, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Computational and Applied Mathematics 39, 1-12, 2020
Generalized TASE-RK methods for stiff problems
S González-Pinto, D Hernández-Abreu, G Pagano, S Pérez-Rodríguez
Applied Numerical Mathematics 188, 129-145, 2023
On the advantages of nonstandard finite difference discretizations for differential problems
D Conte, N Guarino, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Numerical Analysis and Applications 15 (3), 219-235, 2022
On the advantages of nonstandard finite differences discretizations for differential problems
D Conte, N Guarino, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki 25 (3), 269-287, 2022
Positivity-preserving and elementary stable nonstandard method for a COVID-19 SIR model
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster, N Guarino
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 15 (DRNA Volume 15.5), 65-77, 2022
Jacobian-dependent two-stage peer method for ordinary differential equations
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 309-324, 2021
First experiences on parallelizing peer methods for numerical solution of a vegetation model
D Conte, P De Luca, A Galletti, G Giunta, L Marcellino, G Pagano, ...
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 384-394, 2022
Two classes of linearly implicit numerical methods for stiff problems: analysis and MATLAB software
D Conte, G Pagano, B Paternoster
Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 15 (2), 2022
Stability Theory of TASE–Runge–Kutta Methods with Inexact Jacobian
D Conte, J Martin-Vaquero, G Pagano, B Paternoster
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46 (6), A3628-A3657, 2024
A Model For Diffusively Coupled Self-Oscillating Droplets With Delay
MA Budroni, D Conte, R D’Ambrosio, G Pagano, B Paternoster, F Rossi
14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 1871-1872, 2021
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