Muhammad Ahmed Khan
Muhammad Ahmed Khan
Research Scientist
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Review on motor imagery based BCI systems for upper limb post-stroke neurorehabilitation: From designing to application
MA Khan, R Das, HK Iversen, S Puthusserypady
Computers in biology and medicine 123, 103843, 2020
A review on biomaterials for 3D conductive scaffolds for stimulating and monitoring cellular activities
MA Khan, E Cantù, S Tonello, M Serpelloni, NF Lopomo, E Sardini
Applied Sciences 9 (5), 961, 2019
DBGC: Dimension-based generic convolution block for object recognition
C Patel, D Bhatt, U Sharma, R Patel, S Pandya, K Modi, N Cholli, A Patel, ...
Sensors 22 (5), 1780, 2022
Effect of alloying elements on the compressive mechanical properties of biomedical titanium alloys: a systematic review
SF Jawed, CD Rabadia, MA Khan, SJ Khan
ACS omega 7 (34), 29526-29542, 2022
Emergence of flexible technology in developing advanced systems for post-stroke rehabilitation: a comprehensive review
MA Khan, M Saibene, R Das, I Brunner, S Puthusserypady
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (6), 061003, 2021
FBCSP and Adaptive Boosting for Multiclass Motor Imagery BCI Data Classification: A Machine Learning Approach
R Das, PS Lopez, MA Khan, HK Iversen, S Puthusserypady
2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2020
A real-time webcam based Eye Ball Tracking System using MATLAB
O Mazhar, TA Shah, MA Khan, S Tehami
2015 IEEE 21st International Symposium for Design and Technology in …, 2015
Designing of microcontroller based Syringe Pump with variable and low delivery rates for the administration of small volumes
MA Khan, S Tehami, O Mazhar
2015 IEEE 21st International Symposium for Design and Technology in …, 2015
Motor imagery EEG signal classification for stroke survivors rehabilitation
AE Voinas, R Das, MA Khan, I Brunner, S Puthusserypady
2022 10th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 1-5, 2022
A Systematic Review on Functional Electrical Stimulation Based Rehabilitation Systems for Upper Limb Post-Stroke Recovery
MA Khan, H Fares, H Ghayvat, IC Brunner, S Puthusserypady, B Razavi, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 14, 1272992, 2023
Hybrid EEG-EOG-based BCI system for vehicle control
SDT Olesen, R Das, MD Olsson, MA Khan, S Puthusserypady
2021 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 1-6, 2021
Hybrid EEG-EMG Based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) System for Real-Time Robotic Arm Control
S Abdullah, MA Khan, M Serpelloni, E Sardini, L Sartore
Advanced Materials Letters 10 (1), 35-40, 2019
An innovative approach towards E-health in development of tele auscultation system for heart using GSM mobile communication technology
MA Khan, SF Jawed, MO Khan, O Mazhar
2013 IEEE 19th International Symposium for Design and Technology in …, 2013
COUNTERSAVIOR: AIoMt and IIoT-enabled adaptive virus outbreak discovery framework for healthcare informatics
S Pandya, H Ghayvat, PK Reddy, TR Gadekallu, MA Khan, N Kumar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (5), 4202-4212, 2022
Design of FES Based Muscle Stimulator Device Using EMG and Insole Force Resistive Sensors for Foot Drop Patients
MA Khan, S Abdullah, M Serpelloni, E Sardini.
Advanced Materials Letters 9 (11), 776-780, 2018
Machine learning for motor imagery wrist dorsiflexion prediction in brain-computer interface assisted stroke rehabilitation
C Uyanik, MA Khan, IC Brunner, JP Hansen, S Puthusserypady
2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2022
Brainy home: a virtual smart home and wheelchair control application powered by brain computer interface
C Uyanik, MA Khan, R Das, JP Hansen, S Puthusserypady
15th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, 134-141, 2022
Electromyography and inertial motion sensors based wearable data acquisition system for stroke patients: a pilot study
MA Khan, BM Bayram, R Das, S Puthusserypady
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
Optimized Power Harvesting Module for an Autonomous Sensor System Implanted in a Total Knee Prosthesis
MA Khan, M Serpelloni, E Sardini
IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017
FIMBISAE: A Multimodal Biometric Secured Data Access Framework for Internet of Medical Things Ecosystem
T Ahmed, S Samima, M Zuhair, H Ghayvat, MA Khan, N Kumar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (7), 6259-6270, 2022
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