Leen Haerens
Leen Haerens
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Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physical education students' motivational experiences through unique pathways? Distinguishing between the …
L Haerens, N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, B Soenens, S Van Petegem
Psychology of sport and exercise 16, 26-36, 2015
Identifying configurations of perceived teacher autonomy support and structure: Associations with self-regulated learning, motivation and problem behavior
M Vansteenkiste, E Sierens, L Goossens, B Soenens, F Dochy, ...
Learning and instruction 22 (6), 431-439, 2012
Toward an integrative and fine-grained insight in motivating and demotivating teaching styles: The merits of a circumplex approach.
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, L Haerens, B Soenens, JRJ Fontaine, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (3), 497, 2019
Toward the development of a pedagogical model for health-based physical education
L Haerens, D Kirk, G Cardon, I De Bourdeaudhuij
Quest 63 (3), 321-338, 2011
Research on self-determination in physical education: Key findings and proposals for future research
L Van den Berghe, M Vansteenkiste, G Cardon, D Kirk, L Haerens
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 19 (1), 97-121, 2014
Personal and social development in physical education and sports: A review study
K Opstoel, L Chapelle, FJ Prins, A De Meester, L Haerens, J Van Tartwijk, ...
European Physical Education Review 26 (4), 797-813, 2020
A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts.
PJ Teixeira, MM Marques, MN Silva, J Brunet, JL Duda, L Haerens, ...
Motivation science 6 (4), 438, 2020
Observing physical education teachers’ need-supportive interactions in classroom settings
L Haerens, N Aelterman, L Van den Berghe, J De Meyer, B Soenens, ...
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (1), 3-17, 2013
Fostering personal meaning and self-relevance: A self-determination theory perspective on internalization
M Vansteenkiste, N Aelterman, GJ De Muynck, L Haerens, E Patall, ...
The Journal of Experimental Education 86 (1), 30-49, 2018
Does observed controlling teaching behavior relate to students’ motivation in physical education?
J De Meyer, IB Tallir, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, N Aelterman, ...
Journal of educational psychology 106 (2), 541, 2014
The contribution of preschool playground factors in explaining children's physical activity during recess
G Cardon, E Van Cauwenberghe, V Labarque, L Haerens, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5, 1-6, 2008
Students’ objectively measured physical activity levels and engagement as a function of between-class and between-student differences in motivation toward physical education
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, H Van Keer, L Van den Berghe, ...
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 34 (4), 457-480, 2012
Fostering a need-supportive teaching style: Intervention effects on physical education teachers’ beliefs and teaching behaviors
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, L Van den Berghe, J De Meyer, L Haerens
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 36 (6), 595-609, 2014
Motivational profiles for secondary school physical education and its relationship to the adoption of a physically active lifestyle among university students
L Haerens, D Kirk, G Cardon, I De Bourdeaudhuij, M Vansteenkiste
European Physical Education Review 16 (2), 117-139, 2010
Observed need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior in physical education: Do teachers' motivational orientations matter?
L Van den Berghe, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, N Aelterman, G Cardon, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (5), 650-661, 2013
Different combinations of perceived autonomy support and control: Identifying the most optimal motivating style
L Haerens, M Vansteenkiste, A De Meester, J Delrue, I Tallir, ...
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 23 (1), 16-36, 2018
Dynamics of need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior: The bidirectional relationship with student engagement and disengagement in the beginning of a lesson
L Van den Berghe, G Cardon, I Tallir, D Kirk, L Haerens
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 21 (6), 653-670, 2016
Development and evaluation of a training on need-supportive teaching in physical education: Qualitative and quantitative findings
N Aelterman, M Vansteenkiste, H Van Keer, J De Meyer, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 29, 64-75, 2013
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.
A Ahmadi, M Noetel, P Parker, RM Ryan, N Ntoumanis, J Reeve, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 115 (8), 1158, 2023
Evaluation of a 2-year physical activity and healthy eating intervention in middle school children
L Haerens, B Deforche, L Maes, G Cardon, V Stevens, ...
Health education research 21 (6), 911-921, 2006
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