Brian Ekdale
Ethics of Authenticity: Social Media Influencers and the Production of Sponsored Content
ML Wellman, R Stoldt, M Tully, B Ekdale
Journal of Media Ethics 35 (2), 68-82, 2020
Credibility in context: How uncivil online commentary affects news credibility
K Thorson, E Vraga, B Ekdale
Mass Communication and Society 13 (3), 289-313, 2010
YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy movement: Connecting content and circulation practices
K Thorson, K Driscoll, B Ekdale, S Edgerly, LG Thompson, A Schrock, ...
Information, Communication & Society 16 (3), 421-451, 2013
Why blog?(then and now): Exploring the motivations for blogging by popular American political bloggers
B Ekdale, K Namkoong, TKF Fung, DD Perlmutter
New Media & Society 12 (2), 217-234, 2010
Making Change: Diffusion of Technological, Relational, and Cultural Innovation in the Newsroom
B Ekdale, JB Singer, M Tully, S Harmsen
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2015
Professionalizing and Profiting: The Rise of Intermediaries in the Social Media Influencer Industry
R Stoldt, M Wellman, B Ekdale, M Tully
Social Media+ Society 5 (1), 2056305119832587, 2019
Newswork Within a Culture of Job Insecurity: Producing news amidst organizational and industry uncertainty
B Ekdale, M Tully, S Harmsen, JB Singer
Journalism Practice 9 (3), 383-398, 2015
Measuring Political Personalization of Google News Search
H Le, R Maragh, B Ekdale, A High, T Havens, Z Shafiq
Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW’19), 2957–2963, 2019
Sites of playful engagement: Twitter hashtags as spaces of leisure and development in Kenya
M Tully, B Ekdale
Information Technologies & International Development 10 (3), pp. 67-82, 2014
YouTube and Proposition 8: A case study in video activism
K Thorson, B Ekdale, P Borah, K Namkoong, C Shah
Information, Communication & Society 13 (3), 325-349, 2010
Makmende Amerudi: Kenya's collective reimagining as a meme of aspiration
B Ekdale, M Tully
Critical Studies in Media Communication 31 (4), 283-298, 2014
Crafting lifestyles in urban Africa: young Ghanaians in the world of online friendship
JE Fair, M Tully, B Ekdale, RKB Asante
Africa Today 55 (4), 28-49, 2009
African Elections as a Testing Ground: Comparing Coverage of Cambridge Analytica in Nigerian and Kenyan Newspapers
B Ekdale, M Tully
African Journalism Studies 40 (4), 27-43, 2019
Slum discourse, media representations and maisha mtaani in Kibera, Kenya
B Ekdale
Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies 35 (1), 92-108, 2014
The Team Online: Entertainment-Education, Social Media, and Cocreated Messages
M Tully, B Ekdale
Television & New Media 15 (2), 139-156, 2014
Hijacking journalism: Legitimacy and metajournalistic discourse in right-wing podcasts
DO Dowling, PR Johnson, B Ekdale
Media and Communication 10 (3), 17-27, 2022
Ironic encounters: Posthumanitarian storytelling in slum tourist media
B Ekdale, D Tuwei
Communication, Culture & Critique 9 (1), 49-67, 2016
Constructing Cholera: CNN iReport, the Haitian cholera epidemic, and the limits of citizen journalism
JMT Krajewski, B Ekdale
Journalism Practice 11 (2-3), 229-246, 2017
Negotiating the Researcher: Interstitial, Appropriated, and Digital Identities in Media Production Ethnography
B Ekdale
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 9 (3), 2013
“I Wish They Knew that We are Doing This for Them” Participation and resistance in African community journalism
B Ekdale
Journalism Practice 8 (2), 181-196, 2014
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